All Key Combinations and Functions of OP-1

Hey guys. I've been trying to combine a list for this and here is my take. Please add others I forgot and let's make it a guide.


in tape mode: (part 1)

shift + help = set date - time
shift + tempo = detune notes - cents
shift + tape = erase tape
shift + synth = undo edits and revert to the preset
shift + drum = undo edits and revert to the preset
shift + mixer = signal flow screen
blue (default) = explore the tape in bits of 1/24 seconds
blue (while playing) = scrub through tape
blue (while recording) = change pitch
shift + blue = slide a take
green = slide loop out
shift + green = slide loop in
white = change tape speed like +1, +2, +3
shift + white = change tape speed in percentages
orange = record level
shift + orange = sensitive record level (change in tiny bits)
T1-4 = select track
shift + T1-4 = mute/reactivate track
< > = rewind / forward
play + < > = fast rewind / forward
shift + < > = jump from bar to bar
stop + < = jump to the very beginning of the tape.
stop + > = jump to the end of the last take on the tape, if there are multiple tracks overlapping, this will go to the longest one of the last takes.
shift + play = reverse playback
rec (hold) = stand ready for recording (press a key)
shift + rec = stand ready for tape roll (press play to go)

in tape mode (part 2)

split = a take to pieces
shift + split = join takes (joins the next closest take on either side of the active one)
lift = cut or delete a take
shift + lift = advanced lift - lift all tracks into memory.
region lift – use the loop in and out points to define the part you want to lift.
drop = paste a take (tape moves each time to the end of a dropped take)
sequencer = open/turn-off sequencer
shift + sequencer = select sequencer mode
(1) loop in – sets the loop in point of the tape.
(2) loop out – this sets the loop out point.
(3) loop toggle – toggles loop on and off, remembers the in and out of the previous loop
(3) (when playing) = recreates the previous loop
shift + loop toggle – loop current take.
(4) break – stops the tape. if a loop is active it will continue in the background to keep the break in time.
(5) reverse – change direction of the tape.
(6) chop – a tempo locked repeat type of effect.
(7)-(8) Memo 1-2: memorize any parameter in tape or mixer for instant recall.


when T2 in synth:
shift = play mode

in drum mode:
engine (T1):

blue = pitch
shift + blue = direction
green = in point
shift + green = fine tune in point, sensitive
white = out point
shift + white = fine tune out point, sensitive
orange = play mode
shift + orange = level

dynamic envelope (T2)

blue = attack level
green = mid-part level
white = release level
orange = adjust region

in synth and drum mode:
1-8 = instant access keys to sounds
shift + synth = undo edits and tweaks (done with T1-4)
shift + 1-8 = change the sound attached to the instant access key
shift + T1-4 = change the modules of the sound without changing the sound.

for example, shift + T1 will change the synth engine but it will keep the tweaks and edits you made on the sound, contrary to shift + 1, which will change the sound itself by selecting a sound from one of the synth engines thus making you lose all the tweaks and edits you made.

< > = octave shift

in mixer mode:
shift + mixer = signal flow screen

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Sweet. Lots of useful stuff in there I’d forgotten. ‘shift + synth/drum’ to revert to preset will def get some use here. Thanks :slight_smile:

Synth+drum+tape+sequencer = chop lifter?
Just to be thorough.

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Cool… So does “shift + drop” do anything? THere is a little dot (.) under it… But I can’t find anywhere if it does anything…

Bug Combination:

< or > + 4 (1-8) instant fast rewind/ forward

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Emergency tip: If you accidentally mange to start deleting the tape and change your mind = turn of the unit. It happened to me and I luckily didn’t lost anything.

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Synth+Drum+Tape+Mixer = choplifter game

Thanks for compiling this.

A big one for me recently is the shift+ green or blue encoders on the drive/mixer screen. Moves both left and right channel levels simultaneously. Makes those fade in/fade outs when bouncing to album much easier.

It’s right in the manual, but there’s so much on this thing you can forget simple features lol

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@mixrasta the accelerated FF/RW is great. Thank you!

Been looking for something like this for a while. Can be annoying to scroll for 30 seconds live when you’ve got a full tape and trying to get somewhere around the 3 min mark

@keremkoff this is very handy, thanks a whole lot.

I wanted to add a bit of markdown for presentation’s sake and am keeping it in a gist. This is where I’ll make initial changes and look out for any comments/forks people make, keeping it up to date/relevant.

But also I’m keeping it here: which is slightly better because it doesn’t word-wrap the commands.

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@elfcum Thank you, that’s nice.

@keremkoff this is very handy, thanks a whole lot.

I wanted to add a bit of markdown for presentation's sake and am keeping it in a gist. This is where I'll make initial changes and look out for any comments/forks people make, keeping it up to date/relevant.

But also I'm keeping it here: which is slightly better because it doesn't word-wrap the commands.

Fantastic resource, thank you!

It would be great to see this on the POs as well

in version 218 you can get to the older function tests:

Shift-2 (under display) in bootloader screen does motherboard test

Shift-3 runs the old tests with colour bars, loopback, etc
Thanks to @husker for this!

In synth mode SHIFT + < > = pitchbend.
In tape mode whilst playing and after pressing SHIFT+ < OR > press play to jump immediately to next loop but still preserving position of playhead in relation to loop points, very handy.

Cool... So does "shift + drop" do anything? THere is a little dot (.) under it.... But I can't find anywhere if it does anything...

I’m curious about what the function of the dot is as well.

How do you run motherboard test again? Are there any other diagnostics tests?

How do you run motherboard test again? Are there any other diagnostics tests?

Hold SHIFT & COM while powering on.

Then Shift-2 (under display) in bootloader screen does motherboard test.

I believe you have to power off after that. Power back on to get back to normal OP-1 functionality.

Bug Combination:

< or > + 4 (1-8) instant fast rewind/ forward

Can you describe this a little clearer? I know that < or > + play gives you fastforward