@Tribrix: Love the old-school sounds, the driving beat, the house piano. The harmony between the piano chords and the string pad creates an interesting tension in the song. Great work!
@kln: Playful, great atmosphere! Loved the samples and sounds all around, and it is very well mixed together.
@ceefax: The idea of a jingle-remix (can I call it that?) is great, brought a big smile to my face! Well done!
@yoof: There’s so much interesting stuff going on in your beat tape/sound collage, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Towards the end it has this cinematic, epic feel. And all the different moods fit so well together. Beautiful sounds and a crisp mix all the way.
@lyingdalai: Great counterpoint melody in the beginning & lovely beats, and then when the dark bass synth hits… ! Your song had this weird effect that music sometimes has, it reminds me of some memories I have, but they don’t quite come to the surface. Excellent battle debut!
@minorremedy: Lovely, surrealist peace. Raw and beautiful!
@mixrasta: Your song has a great groove like always. I think I’ve said this before, but your style reminds me of some of the stuff on the now extinct Wall of Sound label. Well done!
The overrall quality of the entries was super high, but after multiple listens, the top two for me was @yoof and @lyingdalai. I voted for @yoof, your entry just kept growing and growing on me after multiple listens. But great work all of you!!
Thanks for all the props on my guitar playing. =) The drums were actually just pitched-down flat tops, I don’t think I used any effects, wasn’t very inspired with the beats! But yeah, most sounds had at least a tiny bit of Phone in them. (I too got an Octatrack a few weeks ago @minorremedy, maybe I’ve been subliminally affected by the bitcrushing effect… =) )
It’s a bit tricky to get a decent guitar volume with the built-in mic, you need to do a bounce for the guitar with extra compression, but then you risk clipping in the final mix. After a couple of tries, I think I had 40 compression in the bounce, and then 17 or so in the final mix. And the solo was still not loud enough…
Thanks for the funny story @Blipsford_Baubie!