Battle 30 Voting

Personally, I'm just ecstatic that anyone voted for my song at all. I wouldn't mind putting this bit of drama behind us and getting a new battle underway.

I vote for @borden, @Erhenius and @Lymtronics altogether !

I think I decided to take part to this forum the day one of you guys offered an Oplab cover. Found I could fit in there :wink:
And please never forget the secret ingredient, besides peace and its friends : let’s have fun, gentlemen !

What’s next ?

Let’s get the next Battle going… getting impatient here

Hi @servando, in case you didn’t know, as the winner of the battle, you have the honour of setting up the rules for the next battle.

@servando - interesting use of tombola and accelerometer. i rarely use that sequencer, or the g-force functionality. gave your track some cool glitchy texture. i’ll have to start experimenting with those a bit more.

and i’m also ready for the next rules!

@yoof - appreciate for the offer on the drumkit. i’m patiently awaiting my PO’s from TE. was one of the very early orderers, based on the order numbers others have pasted into the “shipping fiasco” thread. hopefully they will arrive sooner than later, and i’ll fashion my own kits, over and over! ha!

Hi @yoof, let me check what the conditions of the battles have been until now and I will post soon!.

Hi @yoof and you. Created the battle already. Who can put it on top of the list of posts or as an Announcement?
If there’s something weird or missing, please make me know, I’m quite new to this forum.

Ok glad everybody’s happy, on to the next battle!

Wow, I skip a few days off this thread and we’ve got some juicy drama, haha. I am a bit of a curious George, what was aperobot upset about? (His posts are deleted)

Anyways, congrats @servando you did a bang up job!

Like @marijn said underneath



@kites he said he loves the battles, the people here and the way we vote. He will surely be in for battle 31. Are you ready for the next battle Kites, I am!


It was hard to choose a track, because there were so many good ones. Some could easily compete with popular radio and iTunes tracks. Others were very clever in their use of delay. Plus, there is also the usual competition of more experimental and traditional sounds.

@KLN I think you did fantastic job mastering everything. Very professional and smooth. Cool pitch shifts. I assume it’s the green parameter of delay? Or is it bend bend? Or tape trick?

BTW, to answer your question, yes, I used quite a bit of drive. I wanted to make something aggressive and harsh, and I think it worked. The only samples I used were voices that I randomly grabbed from the radio. I was surprised how well they worked as percussion.

@MadeUpMonster Also excellent mastering. I would never recognize that powerfil bass as something made on OP-1. Not that OP-1 has no powerful basses, its just that the character of the sound seems pretty different from anything I heard. I feel this could easily compete with a lot of trending tracks on SoundCloud… if it had leading vocals. (I don’t get why you need a song to be popular, but that’s how it works for some reason.)

@poubelly Great background texture. Can’t recognize which engines you used for it (if you did). It also feels vaguely familiar. If you tried to go for science-fictiony feel with it, it worked.

Will write more later, if I have time.

BIG thank you @Gambler for the comments! I appreciate it a lot! :slight_smile: If I remember correctly the most of the synth/bass sounds are made with the FM engine. Hmm maybe I should put a lead vocal on it then :wink:

BIG thank you @Gambler for the comments! I appreciate it a lot! :slight_smile: If I remember correctly the most of the synth/bass sounds are made with the FM engine. Hmm maybe I should put a lead vocal on it then :wink:

Damn, this post is giving some echo !

Damn, this post is giving some echo !

@gambler - i use a few different techniques in pitch shifting. the most straight-forward one is to play a note using the Endless sequencer…since that shifts the pitch up and down the keys. i also used LFO on the sounds in various ways, but the DJ-like scratch effects are primarily the Tremelo LFO. layered with Delayed hits of the same sound or pitch shifted sound, in some cases, in the Battle 30 track.