Battle for the Eras - The Voting Thread edition 63

Thanks for the tips! Yeah I like the sound of that one … sample something from 1964!

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Battle rules should include everyone who owns an OP1 and not exclude people who lack a certain piece of external gear. Very out of the spirit, if you ask me.

I certainly don’t want to exclude anyone. Any looping software on a laptop/mobile phone/tablet would be fine.

I just find that live looping on the OP1 itself is very fiddly and I wanted to see where we can go beyond that. I was a little inspired by battle 57 too.

use of an external “looper” could be included in your rule set, but maybe not as the foremost rule?

i think there are many ways that live looping can be accomplished on OP-1…

program Endless, Finger, or Pattern and play it live by punching in and recording as you Shift + Arrow thru your track…or as you record to album. a rule could be to dedicate at least 1 (of 4) tracks to be dubbed in by punching in live, or make at least 1 minute of a record to album include live punching in / playback from a programmed / sequenced loop. (maybe a 64-step one)

i don’t have a looper, nor do i have great interest in them. but i’d be down to play sequenced loops in as many ways possible throughout a track directly in OP-1.

also, really liking playing up the 64 thing…of course it’s your battle rules to create…but agree with @Lymtronics that focusing on gear or tools that others may not have isn’t in character with OP-1 battles.

@LyingDalai - i’m still considering a duel mate, watch your back. (evil laugh)

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Thanks for all the feedback and advice!

The battle is live! Battle 64 - the 64th battle

The duel needs to happen too, so you guys have your work cut out :nerd_face: