Battle overview

Hey all

Sorry for the long post, but a while ago I made an overview of the different battles up till now. Didnt finish it yet. Might do so later on.

I’m continuing the work by @kln from this post:

up to Battle 23

For more info on Battle search for corresponding Battle (24 is earliest on this forum)

Basic Battle standards, as laid out by KLN: battle standards

Extra battle idea’s by KLN and others: battle/song ideas - #17 by Plague


  • April in Paris – Duke Ellington

  • Cuckoo’s vocals (Flightofthecuckoo – Popcorngirl-lead-vocal 2)

  • Sampling of body noise

  • James Brown break and BT Express break

  • use or combine Serge Gainsbourg & Jean-Claude Brialy "Un Poison Violent, C’est Ça L’Amour” & Herb Alpert “Besame Mucho”

  • any material you find from the singer Fairuz on youtube

  • sample or record your analog sounds of your synth to tape or the synth/ drum sampler and then sequence them with any OPsequencer.

  • one note of you’re favorite sound.

  • sample a Pocket Operator into the OP-1

  • the NASA soundcloud Stream NASA | Listen to podcast episodes online for free on SoundCloud

  • sample any De La Soul material

  • sample/record your local environment

  • Sample any audio from the movie “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

  • Required sample from past battle based on random number


  • create a cover song

  • use quotes from a Hitchcock film

  • the track must include the five note theme from Close Encounters

  • Remix a song that uses traditional elements from where you are from or a place you identify yourself with

  • covering or remixing an Aphex Twin track of your choice

Synth restriction: Dr Wave (2), Dbox (5), Strings (1), Phase (1), Digital (3), FM synth (1), DNA synth (1), cluster (1), Dsynth (1), Slump (1)

Kit restriction:

MXD drum kit, Hortlax kit, Rhodes Chroma, MachineDrum and/or “MDTAPE” and/or "Traps” internal kit, FlatTop preset drum kit, Use up to 3 of the new drumpresets (in 2016)

Sequencer restriction:

Endless sequencer (1), Tombola (2)

Fx restriction:

  • use delay(a little or a lot) on all 4 tracks ( and the master fx if you dare) no other fx are allowed
    - Use telephone or Cwo or both in every track (optionally in Master but other fx are allowed here.)

Special rules:

  • Exploit unintentional noise, bugs and glitches

  • All sounds had to be derived from the internal metronome

  • Length restriction of 30 seconds

  • Feature a tempo change somewhere in the tune

  • make use of “counterpoint” with only one synth

  • sample and use a bit of local radio mentioning something about where you live

  • Be inspired by a painting. Include the painting in your title.

  • At least 1/2 of the tune must be in an ‘odd meter’

- Record with the OP-1 a battery powered sound making device. Any devise is permitted to be used as long as it is unable to connect to the internet.

- you should make ONE field recording, for example nature sounds (wind, ocean, walking on grass, etc), city sounds (traffic, bikes, people walking, etc)

- Only one track and one bounce may be processed with external hardware FX

  • Create a musical piece, where the left and right stereo channel are completely different, and even would work as separate pieces.

  • Play at least one acoustic instrument

  • collaborate by sharing your set of synth and drum patches; combine yours with someone elses

  • Use 1 internal synth defined by a random number

  • Add 84 to your random number, You’ve got the BPM for your track !

  • Required sample from past battle based on random number

Battle 1

  1. allowed to sample “April in Paris” by Duke Ellington

  2. must use Dr. Wave on one track 15

Battle 2

  1. use ?sample? from VST and Co. - Step no, step yes. 1

Battle 3

  1. only use Dr Wave and Dbox synthesis

  2. use ?sample? provided for the battle 3

Battle 4

  1. Only use strings and dbox synths. 4

Battle 5

  1. only the synth engines Phase and Digital and the onboard mic as audio sources. 2

Battle 6

  1. use only the FM synth engine and the DBOX drum synthesizer.
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 6 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 7

  1. allow use of an external instrument for the beats.

  2. can sample Radio and internal engines allowed
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 7 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 8 or 9

  1. exploit unintentional noise, bugs and glitches in the software in the OP-1.
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 8 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 9 or 8

  1. use the ?break beats provided?

  2. only use the DNA synth engine (with any effects and resampling)
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 9 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 10

  1. use only the cluster synth engine. 1

Battle 11

  1. use only the MXD drum kit & the Digital Synth engine

Battle 12

  1. use Cuckoo’s vocals (Flightofthecuckoo – Popcorngirl-lead-vocal 2)

  2. use the Pulse Synth engine & Live drum kit

Battle 13

  1. use samples from a Rhodes Chroma

  2. use the Hortlax kit

Battle 14

  1. all sounds had to be derived from the internal metronome

  2. a solo was required
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 14 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 15

  1. allowed only the use of DBox

Battle 16

  1. something to do with only being 30 seconds long & only OP-1
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 16 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 17

  1. Track 1 can use any body noise using the Drum Sampler - no sequencer. lifting and dropping permitted

  2. Track 2 has the same rules as Track 1, but using the Synth Sampler

  3. Track 3 must use a vocal, but can be either Sampler. Only Tombola sequencer is permitted, and can lift and drop.

  4. Track 4 needs to be series of live takes, either external or internal. no sampling, sequencing or lifting/dropping.
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 17 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 18

  1. capture all audio using the endless sequencer

  2. feature a tempo change somewhere in the tune
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 18 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 19

  1. notes entered to tape with tombola hexagon sequencer
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 19 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 20

  1. create a cover song using OP-1
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 20 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 21

  1. use quotes from a Hitchcock film
  2. get some use of the sketch sequencer in.
  3. make use of the new DSynth engine. 2

Battle 22

  1. all sounds must come from D-box, DNA, or D-synth

  2. the track must include the five note theme from Close Encounters
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 22 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 23

  1. pick one setting of a single synth engine and make a track out of that. no resampling, no changes to the synth setting, no drums.

2 also make use of “counterpoint”

Battle 24

  1. make use of two clips of provided breakbeats for the drums - James Brown break and BT Express break
  2. use just one synth engine
  3. sample and use a bit of local radio mentioning something about where you live 1

Battle 25

  1. use or combine Serge Gainsbourg & Jean-Claude Brialy "Un Poison Violent, C’est Ça L’Amour” & Herb Alpert “Besame Mucho”
  2. use only the drums sampled from the songs.
  3. all other engines allowed to support combining the two.
  4. radio is allowed to combine another song with it’s samples to it.
  5. feel free to be creative with the samples and engines, but don’t forget to have parts with significant sample-use.

Battle 26

  1. entries must feature DSynth
  2. entries must contain sounds from FlatTop preset drum kit
  3. entries may feature ONE synth engine to compliment DSynth (sampler not counted)
  4. the built-in microphone may be used to capture sounds to be added to the track (think voice, guitar, twigs, coins, tupperware, ambience…). (external mic for folks with broken ones)
  5. YouTube may be recorded (for anything, but nature is encouraged)
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 26 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 27

  1. allowed to sample any material you find from the singer Fairuz on youtube. no other external sampling allowed.
  2. prepared a drumkit for you to use, featuring a bunch of sounds from a MachineDrum, “MDTAPE” and/or "Traps” internal kit
  3. only 3 types of effects throughout your track. and to mention which ones you’ve chosen when you submit your track.
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 27 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 28

  1. sample or record your analog sounds of your synth to tape or the synth/ drum sampler and then sequence them with any OPsequencer.
  2. add any drums from the factory presets or use your analog drumsounds.
  3. add only ONE synth engine of the OP-1
  4. maybe use radio to sample voices to make it more interesting 2

Battle 29

  1. sample one note of you’re favorite sound.
  2. you can use all the internal effects, copy-paste-cut and tape tricks to shape this one note in new sounds you can use. Creativity is your friend.
  3. so only this one note and mutations are allowed… no internal synths and kits (sorry guys!)
  4. use a painting as an inspiration for your ambience/composition. (painting also includes graffiti, comix and illustration)
  5. the song title has to be inspired on the painting of choice. 1

Battle 30

  1. use delay(a little or a lot) on all 4 tracks ( and the master fx if you dare) no other fx are allowed
  2. all internal synths and drum kits are allowed
  3. record and mix everything on the op-1 ( as usual )
  4. maybe use differnt delay speeds on your tracks to create cool rythms/ textures 4

Battle 31
1.Use telephone or Cwo or both in every track (optionally in Master but other fx are allowed here.) 1

Battle 32

  1. sample a Pocket Operator into the OP-1
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 32 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 33

  1. Sample from the NASA soundcloud Stream NASA | Listen to podcast episodes online for free on SoundCloud
  2. At least 1/2 of the tune must be in an ‘odd meter’
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 33 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 34

  1. Record with the OP-1 a battery powered sound making device. Any devise is permitted to be used as long as it is unable to connect to the internet.
    (tracks in the voting page; no playlist)

Battle 35

  1. Remix a song that uses traditional elements from where you are from or a place you identify yourself with
  2. you should make ONE field recording, for example nature sounds (wind, ocean, walking on grass, etc), city sounds (traffic, bikes, people walking, etc), and use it in your remix. no limits on the length of this recording.
    (tracks in the voting page; no playlist)

Battle 36

  1. Sample any De La Soul material
  2. Only one track and one bounce may be processed with external hardware FX
    (tracks in the voting page; no playlist)

Battle 37

  1. covering or remixing an Aphex Twin track of your choice
    (tracks in the voting page; no playlist)

Battle 38

  1. Create a musical piece, where the left and right stereo channel are completely different, and even would work as separate pieces.
  2. Hard left and right panning, no center tracks.
  3. No identical sounds at the same time on both channels (but you may play the same notes with different sounds or use a delay.)

Battle 39

  1. Record one sound when you’re waking up, and use it in the synth sampler.
  2. Sample or record (tape, synth / drum sampler) a voice/speech of people who speaks the language of the country where you live now (this could be recorded from a public transport, conversation, radio, ads, colleague, boss…).
  3. Play at least one acoustic instrument of your choice. If you don’t have any acoustic instruments, you can use glasses, or everything natural with which you can make noises.
  4. Only Digital Synth synth engine is allowed.
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 39 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 40

  1. Collaborate by choosing a single Operators set of samples and patches to leverage, post your own set of samples or presets
    (tracks in the voting page; no playlist)

Battle 41

  1. Use slump (precursor of voltage) and only one other synth engine of your choice.
  2. Use up to 3 of the new drumpresets
  3. Record one sound of your pet and play with it on the sampler engine, synth or drum
    (tracks in the voting page; no playlist)

Battle 42

  1. Sample any audio from the movie “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”
  2. Use 1 internal synth defined by a random number
  3. Use this synth with the TOMBOLA Sequencer (at least 1 track)
  4. Add 84 to your random number, You’ve got the BPM for your track !
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 42 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Battle 43

  1. Required intro/outro samples so all tracks can be united
  2. Required sample from past battle based on random number
    Stream - ohpeewon battles - | Listen to Battle 43 playlist online for free on SoundCloud

We are already history! :amphora:

Great work @rocksoul! I have some details to contribute, need to do some Soundcloud digging first…