FYI the connector board is only available to Europe for now:(
Unless someone has an extra they can sell, or if they are willing to ship from Europe…
Ya I sent phantom power from my iTrack dock to the OP-1. I was using a 1/8" cable to XLR to the MIC input on the dock. Apparently, anything that’s not a mic shouldn’t go into a mic pre. A hard listen learned…
I plug my electric slides in sometimes but don’t use a pre. So far so good. @kites, hope you get it worked out sir.
You can use a mic pre, just make sure phantom power is off =/
I made such a dumb move!
stop beating yourself! Shit happens! crashed and burned hard work today. it happens, don’t dwell on it.
Two monks were on a pilgrimage. One day, they came to a
deep river. At the edge of the river, a young woman sat weeping, because she was afraid to
cross the river without help. She begged the two monks to help her. The younger monk
turned his back. The members of their order were forbidden to touch a woman.
But the older monk picked up the woman without a word and
carried her across the river. He put her down on the far side and continued his journey.
The younger monk came after him, scolding him and berating him for breaking his vows. He
went on this way for a long time.
Finally, at the end of the day the older monk turned to the
younger one. “I only carried her across the river. You have been carrying her all
That is my favorite story, got very little religion in me but this story speaks words!
Nice one! Although, it does remind me of this Thai horror film titled Shutter.
On another note, do you have a monotribe you can sell me?
No I never went to the mono tribe I did volcas
Great story dimi3
Good news, TE finally responded to my email and I did the motherboard test as a possibility that the motherboard could be damaged too. According to the test, "all is OK!", but this was their response:
The motherboard test analyses all the motherboard features, but it cannot see if, for example, a capacitor is broken due to overload, which is usually the case when phantom power has been plugged in. I can send you a connector board, which would be sent from Sweden, but I cannot say if this will fix the issue without inspecting the unit.
In the mean time I ordered a connector board directedly (cheaper than ifixit), but it will take about 4 weeks to get to California from Sweden.
Any thoughts to any of the above?
expidite shipping…
I think there is nothing else you could do, unless you have some electronic skills and the proper equipment to test the main board. If the new connector board does not fix the issue, you will need to order a new main board from TE (assuming they will sell you one) or send your OP-1 for maintenance. I thought there was an authorized repair shop in the US, no?
There is I believe the guys is on the east coast.
Georgia specifically, iirc. I think he used to do work for Elektron until they got their own shop in Los Angeles, CA.
Ya Georgia is the address they sent me to have my keyboard fix. I’m crossing my fingers this works out. @krism what’s the name of the shop in LA?
my thought is that they might as well redesign the connector board to be a perfect fuse - and while they are at it, add a decent set of jacks
Elektron Music Machines @Kites that’s the location that repaired my Octatrack
Just tried replacing my connector board and I got this error:
It was booting up normally until I kept resetting to factory.
Users @gitdown and @Navette from the old forum had this issue… it seems they contacted TE and the conclusion was: