only with CCK (USB 3) AND with power adapter. On iPhone SE and Ipad pro 2018 (lightning). without power adapter doesn’t mount on both devices
Thanks, I think this was the issue - I must have tried backing up through the CCK without plugging in a power cable. Just tried it with and without power connected and it works when the power is plugged into the CCK.
Seems silly that two devices with their own power need a third power source for file transfer! Maybe Bluetooth backups could happen in the future.
I agree, I feel it kind of takes away from the whole “back-up mobile” in that you have to plug into wall power, but hey, one step at a time.
Power banks work though, still it’s one more thing to carry
do y’all have the usb charging turned off?
cuz even tho they both have their own power sources
if u plug it into the phone/pad
the phone will try to charge the z
yes, the iphone is charging, but i can turn usb charging off only temporary, after power cycle it stays turned on. and, of cuz, i can’t turn it off in content mode. Maybe i missed something?
i just update the op-z 1.2.12 using an ipad pro 10.5 with ipadOS 13.2.
after downloading the FW then dragging the file to the op-Z folder (whilst in UPGRADE MODE) i pressed PLAY and this triggered the update. I checked the the device using the op-z app and can see it’s been updated and the new features are included.
Very sweet to be able to update with out plugging into the macbook.
I’m running firmware 1.2.20 and iOS 13.3.1
Had to restar the iPhone so it would see the OP-Z
However, after trying to copy a project file from OneDrive to the OP-Z, it failed three times in a row. The project wasn’t there but an old one
I did the same thing, from the same folder, from my computer, and it worked on the first try
You have to use the files app in iOS. I don’t think third party apps can bridge files over to the OP-Z yet.
Has anyone got backups working with the smaller Apple Lighting to USB adapter (not the CCK USB-C)?
I ended up caving and purchased both Apple adapters to see for myself since I couldn’t seem to find a consensus on which to purchase. Here are the results:
Apple USB to Lightning adapter:
- audio over USB
- NO iOS files access (so NO OP-Z backups)
Apple USB3 Camera Kit adapter:
- USB to MIDI (with and without lighting power)
- audio over USB (with and without lighting power)
- iOS files access (for OP-Z backups) (ONLY with lighting power)
I’ve managed to get the OP-Z connected to my iPhone 11Pro (iOS14.4) using the CCK, but ONLY when plugged into a power outlet. I’ve tried a powerbank, but no luck.
I’m also getting the issue that is reported here - I can view the folders on the iPad, but can’t access the samplepacks folder - I keep getting “content unavailable”. I think this might be due to strange characters showing as the last 2 characters in the folder name.
I’ve logged a bug for this but haven’t received a response yet.
@Songsta I have the same issue with the samplepacks folder. Thanks for sharing the link because I was wondering the same thing. Hopefully TE can get a fix soon. Would be nice to backup everything.
I would love to be able to edit samples on my iPad and be able to add these as directly from my iPad when I’m travelling.
Check OP-Z v1.2.31 and new iPadOS 14 Weird issue
It is updated!!