M1 - Headphones with mic for OP-Z

Has anyone used the M1 with an OP-1? Does it even work because of the split audio in/audio out port on the OP-1?

Jamming to the faves on the M-1s’ now. Really loving them, honestly compared to my akg pair that’s been the go to, I think they may even be louder. Super crisp, love em. Maybe they’ll come out with a larger over the ear pair. I was surprised at their innocent size. Super sleek :sunglasses: would pay more for an equal sound quality with super luxury comfort. Love supporting TE

if its a standard TRRS cord than it should work, as headphones, in the OP1 TRS headphone out. The mic will just be not able to work. Even if you had the appropriate splitters and adapters to split the TRRS into the 2 ports on the OP1 the mic wont work because the OP1 TRS input is a line level (i think) and the mic level of the M1 headphones isn’t high enough.

maybe you can use a splitter? and use directly to reroute the audio?

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The headphones are great in my opinion, really good sound. And the quality of recording through the mic is surprisingly high.

The only issue I have is that the mic stopped working for some reason after a month or so. Not being detected by none of the devices I have. Has anyone had the same issue? :slightly_frowning_face: