New OP-1 Field 😮

I have recorded into the OP-1F directly from my iPhone with a lightning to USB-C cable. Pretty sure iPad is no problem. I use it with the iPad mini a bit, but mainly as a Bluetooth Midi device, it can play iPad soft synths and can use it with iPad midi sequencers too.

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Has anyone used the Desksaver cover with the white Field Kit casing? I noticed it’s a tight fit when trying to place the OP-1 Field in the Field Kit case. I’m wondering if someone has tried this with the Desksaver, considering it’s a soft cover case.

i havent but i have that white leather protective cover for the op1f and it barely fits in the white soft case with that. i reckon it won’t fit which is upsetting to me as i would love to store it that way. im glad you are asking though, please someone chime in if they know for sure

I have! I kinda prefer it this way. I’m sure every sleeve is slightly different dimensions wise but I usually put the Decksaver on and the slide it in, finishing it off by pressing the field in with my thumbs. Feels sturdy, solid and pretty well protected and it has kiiinda loosened up over time.


Awesome! Thank you for the information.

oh wow that is such good news thanks for confirming! i really didn’t think it would fit. to be safe can you send us links or specific names of exactly which deck saver abc exactly which white case/sleeve you use together? thanks!

AFAIK there is only one Decksaver, I use the Decksaver brand

Sweetwater op-1 Decksaver link
^ can be found cheaper elsewhere

And it’s the white TE field case, not the white leather folding cover, and not the yellow plastic bag haha

Field bag


Did anyone hear: there is supposed to be a big firmware update to the op1F soon :slight_smile:


that’s awesome where did you hear this and what is “soon” ? :smiley:


Ok don’t hang me if I’m wrong but I heard this in a forum /chat. It was an accidental leak or Something but whatever it is, TE is giving us a good holiday season. I hope it’s true and pardons if it’s just conjecture


If that was on Elektronauts, it was old wives’ tales and blabbering

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Would be cool.
But timing seems a bit off.
Really depends how TE works - cause in the middle of that weird EP-133 release, it would be strange to get a substantial update for the op1f. Although, don’t get me wrong, I’m all up for it!


If it’s accurate, I sincerely hope they implement project-specific sequencers, presets, and master effects instead of global ones. Independence between projects would be a game-changer for me and should already be implemented.


I read the same rumor, two posters with “inside” information (not at elektronauts, but the rumor might have started there and spread). One post said it will be an update to the drum sampler. I don’t know if it’s true, probably not. But I’m always wrong about stuff like this so it could be true!

@Deek311, I agree with that.


The same guy that said the update for the Op1f was coming was the same guy that said “bingo” under some ones post saying they thought what TE was going to release was a big brother to PO-33 a week before it actually dropped. So no I don’t think its old wives tales and blabbering.