Recently bought op-1 from this store. Had a faulty unit and had to send it back for repair. Hoping to get it back soon. Out of curiosity I just checked to see if they had any new stock in, where the page was previously saying ‘out of stock. Available to order’ it’s now saying ‘product no longer available’… Seems kinda weird? but guess could just be an admin/Web error.
I expect this has more about Guitar Guitar than TE. Here’s a post I made a while ago:
Ah makes more sense now. Shit, hope they’re still on decent terms with T.E and no problem/delay with the repair… I prob should have pushed for a replacement instead of repair but saw that there were none in stock at Guitar Guitar at the time, was told they couldn’t give a time frame for new stock and I saw T.E website was sold out so figured replacement could take forever… I might regret that
Re your other thread. I never had problems with Guitar Guitar before, never visited the store but online has always been pretty good. Did a take a long time to sort this tho, guess I’ll see how the rest of the process goes…
Anyone after an OP-1 in London should check out the (excellent) Conran shop on Fulham Road. Picked mine up on a price match for £645 the other week
I expect this has more about Guitar Guitar than TE. Here's a post I made a while ago:
Just found out my unit hasn’t even left the store yet. Nearly 3 weeks after they received it back from me
Just curious – what was wrong with your OP?
While playing keys the Preset would switch to a different one all by itself or sequencer would randomly activate. Not often but often enough to make it too sketchy for any potential live use. T.E have been in touch and they’re on it Hopefully have it back next week.
Man, I’d have gone ballistic. GG are the worst.
Mine does the randomly triggering last-used sequencer trick too. Seems to happen if I press too many notes in rapid succession. So weird.
Yeah weird fault that takes some patience to duplicate. Guitar Guitar eventually took my word for it after T.E & users on this forum confirmed it exists on occasional units here and there. Apparently it’s recognised and fixable.
Is it a hardware issue?
Guess it must be? They probably would have just sent me instructions and different firmware if software? I’m not really qualified to say for sure though.
Seems like it’s a very uncommon problem, general reports on OP-1 are that it’s immaculate when bought new. But heard from a couple of others with same fault as mine out there. T.E have been great about it so far though. Looking forward to getting it back.
This article claims the op-1 will officially cease production due to difficulty with the screen.
Wow! Sad news if it’s true
it does come w/ the caveats temporarily and until further notice
no idea what that really means but there might be some hope?
The TE shop now says:
“OP–1 availability is delayed until further notice.”
They have problems with the screen? Hmm
I will now be selling my ‘rare’ and ‘out of print’ OP1 for £5,000
Now we know why there is no screen on the OP-Z…