Op-1 discontinued?

Via Teenage Engineering email:

…but you can anywhere in between :disappointed:

That’s a relief!

I’ll second that!

“updating the hardware platform” :slight_smile:

Maybe the ebayer will get a conscious moment and will bet on his own offer so that Noone has to pay this ridiculous price.

But could be also a successful superstar trying to get any Op-1 that’s available for their next show…

@mixrasta Permission to use “Successful Superstar” as my next album title?

That might just work for TE. An OP-1mk2 with updated hardware (and later firmware) while the cult status OP1 fetches prices in the thousands. Want the latest updates, sell your classic first. Everybody happy.

Wasn’t it already very clear that those high bids all came from the same two or three accounts? They jumped up from 1200 to 2600 and so on. I don’t think anyone actually paid that much money for an OP-1.

A couple for $2000 and one for $2700… A few for $1500 or so…

An all-black mk2 op-1 would be cool. Thought I remember seeing a picture of one a while back…

@skintechnician said:
An all-black mk2 op-1 would be cool. Thought I remember seeing a picture of one a while back…

Yeah someone on here painted his one black (or was it plastidip or something?)

wow huge respect to TE for that email. they could easily start moving units at that price or employees could get first dibs and re sell. Truely makes me want to buy the opz more.

:heart: TE, a timely communication from them!


@Sparky said:
“updating the hardware platform” :slight_smile:

Be careful, because updating does not mean the same thing as upgrading. It could just mean that the originally spec’d OLED or chip or something is not longer made, so they need to find a replacement without having to relayout the entire hardware platform. Unless they are wanting to continue supporting two diverging OP-1 platforms forever, they will likely be finding something that allows them to only need to support one overall OP-1 platform.

I’m wondering if they have any plans for an updated io board, with more reliable mic/jacks…? May as well add Bluetooth and USB-C while they’re at too… ?

I ended up with a second unit. Was going to keep it but with these crazy prices I sure would like to trade it for a nice Telecaster.

USB-C and more memory would be awesome. I’m happy with everything else as is.

@FLDPLN said:
@mixrasta Permission to use “Successful Superstar” as my next album title?

No problem, and yes these two words look quite impressive together B)