OP-1 field is unstable with 1.5.7

I usually get random glitches on OP-1 field with 1.5.7 installed like this:

  • I hear a click sound when I start rolling forward or backward the tape regardless if there’s a take at that place or not.
  • The UI gets very slow and sometimes stuck for even a second.
  • The built-in mic is “muted” though the level meter shows signal.
  • Keys presses on musical keyboard are often not recognized.

Most of the above issues get eliminated with a single restart of the device except missed keypresses which gets more and more annoying.

Are these known issues or is it just my unit?

I’ve not had any of those issues with my OP1F, or any other issues at all. I am also running 1.5.7

Not seeing those issues with my unit either unfortunately.

I’ve not seen any of those issues with my unit.

I haven’t either but I get some crashes when I’m importing/exportings presets from OP-1f to computer. I’ve never had these issues before now.

I’ve had issues with the op1f when I had the memory filled with a lot of samples. Check that

Try reinstalling the firmware

I don’t think I have too many samples stored on the device. Anyway I consider a factory reset, too.
Thanks for your replies!

1.5.7 was released late 2023? Haven’t noticed any of those issues a year in use.

It was released in 2024.

Mines been rock solid. Maybe a reformat if all else fails.

My op-1 is so good I still say it’s the best piece of gear ever in music


I haven’t encountered those issue either, but I will say that my OP-1 Field was full awhile back (hit 500 preset limit, all tapes full) so I backed it up and factory restored it. So I am tuning from a fresh slate.

And what about double trigs? This is also a recurring issue with my unit though not as often as it happened by OP-Z before.

Never seen a double trig on the OP-1F either I’m afraid.

chiming in as well: ive never witnessed any of those bugs. one thing i’ve noticed is that certain FX at certain settings can cause clicks and pops when enabled/disabled, so that might be part of what you are noticing?

I’ve had repeatable crashes streaming midi and audio over USB between OP1-F and OP-Z. TE acknowledged that there is an issue and that they’re working on a fix. No promises about when it will get released though.

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Have you tried to set the midi clock out to the main device and midi clock in to the other?

There is nothing to stop the op-z crashing the op1F - unless you use BTE

That’s why I love the ko2 - it syncs midi clock AND timeline position.

@JaQ I tried turning as much midi off as possible. Even with midi out only from Op-z to OP-1f (no clock or other data in either direction), it crashes eventually. The time to crash is unpredictable, and sometimes the OP-1f crashes in stages - at first ignoring the incoming midi but can still be played on its keyboard before 30s later the whole thing locks up. Feels like a memory leak to me.

I run software teams myself and sympathise a little with TE. Small biz with too many products to support. But I’m not buying the xy!