Op-1 field + op-z

Which sync? Audio or Midi?

Midi. Audio works great.

Ok - if you have double-checked your midi settings on both the Z and the Field. Then I would contact TE support since some devices have had issues. For me it was both Audio and Midi that was broken over USB-C. With my replacent Field unit it works perfectly

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I’ve opened a ticket and hopefully they can fix it.
Thanks for the response.

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Figured it out!!! Apparently, it won’t clock out when your on midi sync setting. It has to be on beat match for it to work properly🤦‍♂️


hey guys, did the recent 1.3.2. solve your issues?

Is there a way to use the sequencer from the OP-Z to sequence something on the OP-1f? If so what is the trick to doing so?

Make sure they are on the same MIDI channel, make sure the OP-1 is set to receive notes, and the OP-Z is set to send them. Connect via Bluetooth or USB-C.

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I had the same issue with no sync sent between the OP-Z and OP-1 Field. Having experienced similar issues with the OG OP-1 I thought I’d give it one more go but using the original cable supplied by TE and it works as expected. I was previously using a usb-c cable that came with my Samsung T5 drive. The OP-1 recognised that a usb-c cable was attached but no midi sync was received. With the original cable, midi sync is received. I have asked TE to explain why one cable will work and another not…

This thread was super useful for me! Thank you for the valuable information! I just synced my new OP-z to my OP-1 F with BLE. It is not clock synced but if you have both set to the same BPM it stays rock solid. I kept the same beat going for about 5 mins without any drift whatsoever! Amazing! I was also able to control the OP-Z with the OP-1F’s keyboard, and no real noticeable latency. :pray:

Can someone please detail how I use the OP-Z to sequence the OP1-F?

Hardware issue for which - the op-1 field or op-z?

op-1 field

What was defect? How do I check my field, before ordering a op-z?

This is what happens when I connect USB-C to the OP-Z and have the OP-1 Field as an input clock and input midi from the OP-Z. The OP-1 will just freeze.