first, just sayin’, these aren’t complaints, i love it.
i haven’t even really thoroughly explored everything either. i’m still learning it. so perhaps there are some things i’m missing
but just some random thoughts of some things that i’d like to see, that i think are reasonably possible. and some of these are minor and just personal preference:
either a fixed numerical global velocity option or some sort of accent option. the current velocity options don’t really work very well for me. maybe i’ll get the hang of it. — i think an option of some sort of accent would be very useful and there’s probably an intuitive way of doing it. one idea might be that you could set a fixed numerical velocity setting in the global velocity option — instead of setting to velocity to “off” you just dial in a numerical value, such as anything, 80 (or 40, or 127), then lay down a sequence of stuff with that velocity. — then you could change the velocity to 127 and go back and add that velocity (accents) to the same sequence. something like that maybe. but yeah, an accent option, or fixed velocity value instead of “off” — but maybe i’ll get the hang of the current velocity settings eventually
that send effects settings (not the send amount) but the settings of a send effect can be saved with an instrument snapshot. i often use the send effects to shape a sound, and when i did a factory reset and copied over my backup snapshots i stupidly forgot to write down the send effect settings. — alternatively it’d be nice if some of the send effects were insert effects, but that’s probably asking too much, and recalling send effect settings everytime that you switch an instrument or snapshot just isn’t possible or practical — but, i think it should be possible to comment the settings in the snapshot’s json file at least. — that way you could at least open the snapshot’s json in a text editor on a computer and refer to what the send effect settings were that you used when saving it.
a way to quickly scroll through a long directory of presets, snapshots, projects, etc — i haven’t run into this issue yet, but i suspect it could be an issue later. i save snapshots often until i settle on one that i actually end up using; so i typically end up with a long list. currently the midgray, lightgray, and white encoders behave identically when scrolling through directories. perhaps the lightgray and white encoders could scroll faster, or jump x number, or jump to top, jump to bottom
i’m not ocd, but i don’t like parenthesis or spaces in my filenames. its too cumbersome to rename a project or snapshot everytime that you create one. i liked the default og op-1 naming scheme much better. date and time, or date+increment, no spaces, no parenthesis. minor gripe
feel free to agree or disagree, or add on