Op-xy wishlist

first, just sayin’, these aren’t complaints, i love it.

i haven’t even really thoroughly explored everything either. i’m still learning it. so perhaps there are some things i’m missing

but just some random thoughts of some things that i’d like to see, that i think are reasonably possible. and some of these are minor and just personal preference:

  1. either a fixed numerical global velocity option or some sort of accent option. the current velocity options don’t really work very well for me. maybe i’ll get the hang of it. — i think an option of some sort of accent would be very useful and there’s probably an intuitive way of doing it. one idea might be that you could set a fixed numerical velocity setting in the global velocity option — instead of setting to velocity to “off” you just dial in a numerical value, such as anything, 80 (or 40, or 127), then lay down a sequence of stuff with that velocity. — then you could change the velocity to 127 and go back and add that velocity (accents) to the same sequence. something like that maybe. but yeah, an accent option, or fixed velocity value instead of “off” — but maybe i’ll get the hang of the current velocity settings eventually

  2. that send effects settings (not the send amount) but the settings of a send effect can be saved with an instrument snapshot. i often use the send effects to shape a sound, and when i did a factory reset and copied over my backup snapshots i stupidly forgot to write down the send effect settings. — alternatively it’d be nice if some of the send effects were insert effects, but that’s probably asking too much, and recalling send effect settings everytime that you switch an instrument or snapshot just isn’t possible or practical — but, i think it should be possible to comment the settings in the snapshot’s json file at least. — that way you could at least open the snapshot’s json in a text editor on a computer and refer to what the send effect settings were that you used when saving it.

  3. a way to quickly scroll through a long directory of presets, snapshots, projects, etc — i haven’t run into this issue yet, but i suspect it could be an issue later. i save snapshots often until i settle on one that i actually end up using; so i typically end up with a long list. currently the midgray, lightgray, and white encoders behave identically when scrolling through directories. perhaps the lightgray and white encoders could scroll faster, or jump x number, or jump to top, jump to bottom

  4. i’m not ocd, but i don’t like parenthesis or spaces in my filenames. its too cumbersome to rename a project or snapshot everytime that you create one. i liked the default og op-1 naming scheme much better. date and time, or date+increment, no spaces, no parenthesis. minor gripe

feel free to agree or disagree, or add on


When importing presets that use samples I wish they would not also show those samples in the top level directory of the samples list. My nicely organized sample library is a mess now and requires endless scrolling.

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Shift sequences left or right. (the OPZ can do it, why not the OP-XY?)


Hold trigger to copy, then paste (like on OPZ), shift sequence left/right
SHIFT + knob rotate for finer control (like on OP1F)
Extensive midi map as in OPZ
…to be continued

They added the whole trigger copy paste thing in the OS update that dropped a couple days ago, 1.0.13. You have to load a new project and then your current project after updating the OS for it to work.

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I love the OP-XY so far, so this is just a list of minor things that I’d like:

  1. A “clear step components” option on the bar menu. There’s clear notes, clear params, [BLANK SPACE], clear all. Please put it in that space TE!
  2. Allow mapping pitchbend to mod wheel in the MIDI track. You can do this using the external engine on tracks 1-8, but can’t on the midi aux track.
  3. When placing a “random” param, component or trig step component, allow pressing 0 multiple times to change the probability. This mirrors pressing 1-9 multiple times to select when the step component is applied (it cycles through first of N, last of N, all but first, all but last). They could even add a gyro option that changes the probability based on tilting the device.
  4. More patterns. Is there a reason that there can only be 9 per track? It’s only note data, so I can’t imagine that there’s a technical issue. Also, it’d make having multiple songs in song mode more useful, you could have a full album in a project much more easily.
  5. Changing patterns with a step component! This would be really wacky and fun. It could be added to the jump step components. You could merge “one step forward”, “one step back” and “forwards and back” into a single step component, with multiple presses to select the option, then add a jump pattern (forward, back for example) step components and jump scene step component, maybe even jump song!

I like the idea of a clear step components command in bar menu too.

  • Timestretching
  • Larger fonts/some more explanatory text or visuals on certain screens (I believe they’re working on the latter)
  • The ability to record parameter locks while controlling a knob with the G sensor instead of twiddling the knob itself (far more accurate/intuitive)
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-stems creator (4-band funkt.)
-pattern reload (panik button) like syntakt, digitakt
-more random functions
-a dj mode (for mixing track or/ and loops)
-a live-loop function (like traktor)
-a better songmode: more userfriendly, more like in ableton move, with option to make track in a daw finish
-batterie level warning
-possibility to bring the screen happening project for visuals (like op-z)
-more modules
-arcade game (80s video games, maybe even a game where you have to replay melodies exactly to the beat)

I know i am a dreamer :sunglasses:

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Good news! I just noticed it has a battery level warning :slight_smile:

No matter what all the critics say, I value my op-xy so much and think it’s worth every penny!

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  • import OP-Z project
  • export song
  • disable the midi ch for the selected track (on the op-z is it possible)
  • add the DBOX (synth drum like OP-1)

When you change tracks, whatever screen you are currently viewing remains active except the players screen.
I’d really like to be able to quickly move back and forth adjusting player parameters of various tracks without having to first select the track and then hit the players key every time.

Another thing about the players is the I do miss being able to parameter lock players. I have a a memory of this being possible on the op-z but it has been a while since I last owned a z.


The OP-Z didn’t have any players.

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It had the arp…

can you elaborate on this? what i’ve seen from snippets of song mode seemed intuitive…what’s move like and what is XY songmode missing?

You’re right, I forgot about the dedicated arp track, my bad.

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Currently cannot verify if this account on Bluesky is an official Teenage Engineering one but thought I’d post what it has been saying.

Deep breath…

Sorry that the delete project action is instant on the OP-XY, we will fix that in a future firmware update and give it a hold gauge to make sure no projects get deleted by mistake.

Sorry that the check battery level feature on the OP-XY is not as easy to access as on the OP-1 with its help key or as on the OP-Z with its screen button which even works while device is off. We will fix that in a future firmware update.

Sorry that some of you were mislead and thought the brain™ feature on the OP-XY was a new feature. It is actually the same feature as the master track on OP-Z for harmonic chord progressions. We just decided to give it a name and trademark it.

Sorry that the manual for the OP-XY is only a downloadable PDF for now. We will publish an online version of the manual with clickable links (like the OP-1 and OP-Z) with a future website update.

Sorry that when we select another instrument on the OP-XY the settings on the mixer for that track resets. In a future firmware update, we will make sure the settings for a track in the mixer will still apply when we select and change to another instrument.

Sorry for all ambient lovers out there that wished they could select 5 or 7 bars to offset their tracks on the OP-XY. This option is not available in the present firmware 1.0.3, but we will make sure not to forget to adjust this feature on a future update.

Sorry that every new projects on the OP-XY starts with the metronome active. We are looking into adding global system preferences that users can set into a future firmware update.

Sorry that chapters 8.4, 22 and 23 are not finished being written as of the version 1.0.9 of the OP-XY full guide. We wanted the units to be ready before the holiday season, so a new complete version of the full guide will soon be available.

Sorry that new projects on the OP-XY have the default “unnamed +numeral” file name. We are looking into having the default to be the creation date of the file to make it more efficient for users not having to rename all projects. Will be into a future firmware update.

Sorry that the OP-XY is not so ergonomic with its buttons arrangement in relation to menus and features accessibility. We wanted to keep the same physical aspect as of the OP-1 field unit, so the OP-XY can also gain a flagship status.

Sorry that on the OP-XY only 2 out of the 6 effects can be applied globally per project. We are looking into a way to make each track being individually able to have their own 2 effects out of the 6 available

Sorry that the OP-XY only has 9 patterns per track. We know it’s not a lot compared to the EP-133 with its 99 and the OP-Z with its 16 per project. We will look into adding more patterns per track into a future firmware update since it is possible to do so with the present hardware.

Sorry that the parameters on some of the engines of the OP-XY are written aesthetically tiny on top of the screen compared the the animations that are playing below them. We did that from a design perspective, we hope you like it.

Sorry that the OP-XY can holds up to 10 000+ user projects but has no folder creation method within the device itself. We know 10 000+ unsorted projects could be a mess to navigate around, so we will try to implement folder creation in a future firmware.

Sorry for the users that wished to do live performances with the OP-XY, to change from one pattern to another is not as easy as on the OP-Z. In the arrangement mode, we are looking into a way to jump from one pattern to another without playing all the ones inbetween and also a way to jump from one track to another without soloing that track. Keep in mind that for now the OP-XY is not an “OP-Z field”, even though most of their features are the same, and the aim of OP-XY is not to do live performances.

Sorry that the power switch on the OP-XY is protruding and sticking out of the unit’s total size. We know most of you didn’t like that design choice in the OP-1 field since it is inconvenient to fit in any solid case. But we wanted to keep consistency in our flagship series.

Sorry that the OP-XY is ergonomically not as easy to navigate as the OP-1 with its color coded menus for the four knobs. The OP-XY menus are grey scale color coded in relation to its four respective knobs, it takes longer to adjust to it, but we hope you like it.

Sorry that on the OP-XY you can not copy and paste notes as easy and fast as on the OP-Z

Sorry that in the OP-XY manual there is absolutely no image of screen menus. We know it can get confusing to not see the references. We will try to fix that in a future manual update.


why would TE be communicating stuff like that via bluesky?

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Sorry that’s not legitimately from TE. :joy:

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