
some thoughts after a week of use, specifically its sound capabilities: i love it. i haven’t even touched the seq or sampler yet. i’ve just been having a blast exploring the synths and sound design so far. i love the same things about the og op1 and op1f. if you are a fan of the op1’s you will love the xy too.

i never meshed with the z so i can’t compare them. but i am meshing with the xy - but i meshed with the op1s. so yeah

i love wavetable, and love the lofi effect. but thats just me, i like the simplicity of what sounds complex but isnt. you can really push the xy from the beautiful lovey-dovey to fugly harsh teeth grit. i mean, if you want a wavetable synth with a million options, this isn’t it, use ableton. but i’m in no way disappointed with its sound capabilities. — and i haven’t even touched the sampler yet!

basically from a sound design perspective - intuitive, easy to use, easy to understand, wide array of sounds, very much on par with the op1s.

i also really like the organ synth. i’ll probably only ever use it once, but its lovely. reminds me of the organ on the casio cz-101.

actually i like all the synths, a couple being a little more niche than others.

my biggest gripe so far is that i hate parenthesis in my file names. it drives me a little batshit. i’m not ocd, but i cannot stand parenthesis in my file names and the snapshots save with date (1), date (2), etc as default. i much preferred the previous file naming scheme. date and time, no parenthesis. — not a dealbreaker, but a minor gripe.


anyone can only answer that question for themselves. noone else will answer it for you.

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oh, and scramble is pretty awesome too

I just installed the latest firmware 1.0.9… I am noticing that I am not able to sequence the punch-in FX or the tape track. I am probably doing something wrong. Has anyone else noticed this? I believe the manual states that you CAN sequence those tracks… If anyone has the same problem or thinks I am doing something wrong please let me know. Thanks in advance.

No issues doing that over and using same version of FW

dander version of FW???

Sorry, typo- “same” version of FW.

I figured it out… I was just being a dumbass… as I expected!!!

Anyone knows if there is/will be multitrack stem export on XY?

About multisampling:
has anyone managed to multisample?
With the drum mode its clear… but what about the multisampler?

  1. if you have a long wav with all the notes you want to spread out to the keyboard? You have in the wav file lets say notes c2, g2, c3, g3 from a piano, so that they are separated with just a silence in between. How would you place it to the keyboard? The problem is that I have not found (or its no possible) to select the zones you want each sample area to be placed.
    Or lets put it in a another way, can you start from scratch the multisample witch is totally empty, and then the OP-XY does the zoning autmatically?

Anyone got an idea how to do it?

Only way I have managed to do it, is to find a multisampler instrument that has just a few zones, in that instrument I can then add zones by just selecting the related key.

Yes, you put individual samples on the keys you want and the XY will automatically pitch them down to fill the gaps with samples lower on the keyboard. I think there’s a limit of how long all the samples can be per patch, but people were getting inconsistent results testing this on the Elektronauts forum.

Hello all! We are dropping a new soundpack for the OP-XY next week!

Colors in Space proudly presents: Multiverse

A sound pack designed to expand your sonic horizons. Featuring:
• 40 lush pad sounds for immersive soundscapes
• Over 25 expressive key sounds to bring depth to your melodies
• More than 35 intricate pluck sounds for rhythmic and textural elements
• Textured and layered tones perfect for ambient, cinematic, and experimental music

Unleash your creativity and explore infinite possibilities.

Available December 12, 2024.

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I think 40 seconds total per patch.

i want to buy this, please email me when its available- instantjuggler@gmail.com

Hi everybody!

I wanted to share a song I composed with the OP XY. I used some of Jay Gorton’s(Cokous) Digitone Samples in this track. Thank you John!

Here’s a video of me making some generative ambient music that makes heavy use of step components. Started off inspired by Brian Eno’s “Music for Airports”, but somehow it went awry and I ended up with “Music for Donkeys”.


I got now the logic.
You can open an empty multisampler by pressing shift and M1 when you’re in an instrument track.
Now as it’s empty, it’s easy and just like @Tarekith mentioned.