OP-Z Line Module 🔥

a wise man once told me
its not really yours until you void the warranty


@jtswearingen hey, I think you’d have the best chance of deducing this one. I would like to use the line module to perform in quadraphonic, which I do already, but want to bring it to a more dynamic place.

Obv, one may output and send to 4 speakers using the line module, can pan R/L on both main and line output, but how might one automate/modulate panning from main to line, while subtracting the dry from main, for as smooth AF spatial sweeps?

I use the OP-Z fairly chaotically, and can find ways to execute my ideas through happy accidents, but this one seems to need a more intentional approach, so far as I can tell.

Thanks for any consideration towards this endeavor!

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First, this is the first I’d heard the word quadraphonic so please let me know if I’m totally misunderstanding.

I’m not 100% sure there’s a way to do exactly what you’re describing, but I have some ideas that might help. This may be easier to show in a video but that’s a looong ways off so I’ll try my best here.

You can sweep panning pretty easily with step components Sweep 5 and Sweep 0, but they’re not flexible at all.

You could use an LFO to change panning across a bar or two. You’d pan it to the left, set Amount to maximum, Speed to value 8 (2 bars), Destination to panning (value 7), and Shape to whatever you feel like (1 and 2 would be smoother; 3 would be square)

For the track on the opposite side you’d pan it to the right and set amount to 0. You could spice it up by using a Parameter Spark step component to change when that LFO does/doesn’t apply.

This would allow you to switch which tracks are coming out of left/right, but not Main/Aux. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a way to automate which tracks are being sent out of the line module if you want to use the sequencer (might be different if you just wanted to use it as a quadraphonic synth for performing).

Does any of that help and/or make sense? :slight_smile:

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That helps, so far as I was pretty certain that I was butting up against the limits of the unit. THANK YOU for applying yourself towards this endeavor! If i make any further headway, will post here!

Thanks, and you should look out for a quad show sometime - pretty neat to spatialize audio beyond just stereo!


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what about some kind of midi controller type thing to aid in what u are after?
i’m assuming that the params u need to do this are midi accessible?
hopefully thats actually the case…?
midi can be fun AF when u go past the basic useage


I don’t think the ingoing CC messages cover what I’m looking for, I looked a couple of times already at that solution, and asked here just in case I was overlooking something.

Certainly what I could do is get a matrix mixer that jumbles and puts in outputs, But would love to keep it all in the system, if for no other reason than the sport of trying to achieve something without expanding the tool set.