op1.fun is a new site for sharing patches!

@dustmason trying to use the site on ipad. Can’t get anything to play a preview and when I try to download anything I get a long error message, something like ‘acessdeniedaccessdeniedhkeifkneridkdnkfifdkekje’ (random keys on keypad :wink: or another error message saying I need to slow down my requests? Does it not work on ios? Thanks

Weird. It’s working now. Took a screenshot of one of the error messages. Can’t upload pics on here for some reason tho :confused: if you want it let me know and I can email it over.

This site rules btw. I probably said it before but great job!

Thanks! I was actually able to push up a fix pretty quick. I got notified of the error right away. Glad you like the site!

This site rules btw. I probably said it before but great job!

Have to agree, will be uploading patches asap! :)

@dustmason is there a pack size limit? Just made a pack of all current drums to download as zip on ipad but getting ‘504 Gateway Time-Out nginx’

Smaller pack (much smaller… Only 8 kits) worked fine.


@Callofthevoid sorry, yes, there is a limit that manifests somewhere around the 50 patch mark. I need to optimize the code responsible for creating the packs to make this better.

Subscribed! Thank you for your hard work!

Hi everyone,

I will be sending an email out too op1.fun users soon, but I wanted to announce it here as well. There is now an official op1.fun mac os app. Download it directly from here and see a demo video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzcFI3H9dDs

Also, I’ve released it as open source. https://github.com/dustMason/op1.fun.app

Hope you enjoy it.

Hi @dustmason, thank you so much, op1.fun is really cool. I subscribed immediately :slight_smile:

I was amazed that your tape view/player recognizes the loop-points. How is this possible as a tape it is “just” an aiff?
this brought me to the Idea that it would be great to have the possibility to drag and drop loops / elements of one Tape to another. Like this it would be possible to create “Mixtapes”, that consists of loops from different tapes. Theoretically this is possible today using a DAW, but as a feature in your site that would be very unique!
cheers Benno

Well, five seconds on the site and you’ve made a good impression on me. Good work mate! I’ll keep looking around.

Thanks for the kind words! Great idea @mopotbo. I would love to build something like that in the future. The tapes from the OP1 are “just” aiffs with a little extra magic data that store loop points.

That’s a very cool “little extra magic”, I wonder where you can get the information from. Does the OP store loop point or BPM meta data in the tape files?

Hey @dustmason, app sounds great but I can’t launch it on macOS High Sierra… Double-clicking the ‘op1fun’ app but nothing happens…

After a few times trying to launch it I got an error:

"“%@” can’t be found."

Any ideas??

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@peanutismint whoops I think I need to renew an SSL cert. Will do it tonight!

@dustmason I’m having trouble accessing the site.

Not Secure
Your connection is not private

@toesthecat thanks for the heads up! just needed to renew the certificate. should be good now

Glad this thread floated back up… I had to unsubscribe in Dec when my CC expired. Just resub’d!

@dustmason Okay, so I’m trying to load some on my patches, but I’m having trouble to get some of them to preview (they just do the generic “OP-1 Patch” thing), while others are fine. The only difference is that the one’s that preview are sample based, while my synth engine one’s don’t. Any help here would be appreciated.

Thanks for creating this site btw, it’s an amazing resource!

Hey guys, sorry to be that newb but how do I use my op-1 to sample patches on the op-1 fun site? Do I just put my op-1 on midi mode and connect via usb?