Please Update Oplab Petition

Oh yes! Please do! I am curious to hear if you find out anything other than dodgy answers with no specifics or commitments of any kind…

It’s beta… But the update we were hoping for has arrived!!! In case you’ve missed it, here’s the thread: (Thanks Jon!!!)

I was just talking about how disappointing the OPLab was last night at a show. I’ve held onto it hoping for some sort of update and at last it appears that something is in the works. Many thanks!

I was just talking about how disappointing the OPLab was last night at a show. I've held onto it hoping for some sort of update and at last it appears that something is in the works. Many thanks!

Not just in the works its here, the BETA is pretty solid. Load it up and enjoy a much more fully functional OPlab!

There are actually numbers written on the dial!

Whoa, really? I must be going blind! Thanks, man.

I did the same thing too @wingo don’t feel too bad lol…

One of the new OS features is lower LED brightness to address the commonly reported oblab user blindness bug.

oplab updated