::Post your studio pics:: (mobile, bedroom, pro, kitchen)

its like my dream setup…

@Artsutanov you made me lol. It’s minimal when you have to use a potato and a desk as a drum synthesizer. Not 2 OP-1’s, an OT and a bunch of other things.

Dream setup though, good stuff

@KrisM you’re right, of course. Just minimal compared to my previous setups.

@masterofstuff24 This is absolutely my dream set up now. All fun & no fart arsing around.
double post weirdeness

@Artsutanov you made me lol. It's minimal when you have to use a potato and a desk as a drum synthesizer. Not 2 OP-1's, an OT and a bunch of other things.
Dream setup though, good stuff
@Erhenius i know i know, i'm a blushing spoilt fool!!

I’m just having fun hehe. It is indeed a minimal setup, you just chose some really powerful ‘ringers’ for the few players you have.


My tent/motel rig used when I rode my motorcycle cross country. Ipad mini now instead of netbook for extreme portability.



@M_Prod Is that a Solaris? Always curious about those. The rotors got me excited.

My tent/motel rig used when I rode my motorcycle cross country. Ipad mini now instead of netbook for extreme portability.

What’s that red thing? And is that a steel string lap guitar?

pocket pod (based on the old pod 2.0 tech, battery-powered) and some sort of travel electric guitar, possibly short scale. @flybry could even deep six the pod now that they’ve replaced the netbook with an ipad and slim down even moar. still a tidy little guitaring rig :slight_smile:

My Glitch Place :slight_smile:

@EATYone, nice! Good to see the decks and vinyl there too. Is that the IKEA Expedit holding them?

^ Expedit is sturdy enough at that size.

It’s when you get the 4x4 or larger then try to have records on every shelf that they fail

I u want a 4X4 you have to customise it, but i prefer 4x1x4 … And since we know that ikea will stop to produce it, i’ve got some spare :slight_smile:

What’s the orange thing with the arcade buttons?

@daninski Custom 3D print simple usb midi controller. (Arduino Leonardo inside)
