Rumble reviews

I’ve been using the Rumble for about a week and I’m reluctant to ever take it out now.
Feels great in the hands, and naturally loses some effect when you’re using the op-z on a table; I still feel it in my fingertips though and it can be turned up for more effect.
Kind of brings back the early excitement of using the op-z when it was brand new.
I find myself looking for more opportunities to use the op-z on walks or kicking back on the couch.
Not sure if the novelty will last but I might miss it more if I take it out.


Right now I am listening to some bass test music on youtube via the USB audio streaming feature and the rumbler. I must admit, before, I never got much out of this genre but with the rumbler the sub basslines suddenly make sense! In short, it seems to be about feeling the vibes.

Agree, it is much stronger in the hands. When putting it on a table I simply increase the vibration intensity. By this way I still get some nice subtle vibes that can be picked up easily by resting my arms on the table. A little goes a long way.

Nice guitar sounds and riffs in that Inoculum. To be honeset, I find the immediacy of the guitar for expression quite compelling. Nothing against a good groove!

I also put the rumble into the Z and totally agree. Definitely improves haptics.

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It even works with the audio input!

So yeah… I just got my rumble pack and wow… I am really impressed. Not sure exactly what I was expecting, I was mostly interested in the silent metronome and added sturdiness from the weight. But man, when you engage that thing when using headphone, it feels like a sub. Very happy so far.

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Absolutely love mine! This makes the OP-Z next level for me. The locking mechanism works fantastically after having to send back my Oplab as its locking mechanism wouldn’t work.

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They really should re-design the Oplab with this new design and replace the old units. But bring a small company that would probably bankrupt them.

Got mine recently. Really impressed.

The added weight is nice, and after using the rumble for a while, I feel it should almost be installed as a default. Perhaps TE will bundle it with the OP-Z for Black Friday or the holidays?

It really feels like the HD rumble in the Nintendo Switch Joy-cons. Very subtle effects available, and not necessarily just for the usual suspects of bass lines and the bass drum.



What about battery life with rumble installed ?

As mentioned above:

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The rumble vibrates at the frequency of the pitches. You can hear it on a resonant surface, or if you turn it up and listen closely.