Testing Cases for OP-1 Field

weird :frowning:
is it the dye in the fabric?
wonder if u could throw it in the washer a couple times to get it out if so?
the case not hte OP obv haha

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no matter what case i use… i always carry the OP-1 and OP-1F with decksaver on top. i think that’s the most reliable protection


Yes tried it already. My cloth was almost full black. I think i don’t take to rist to use it.

Does anyone know if the meme antenna case work for the op-1 field (with adjustment if needed) ?

The Analog Glide has worked perfect for my OP-1 Field with DeckSaver. Just spin it 180° so the encoders are farthest from the hinge. That way the encoders keep the pocket contents in place.

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Wow, that looks very very nice.

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Thank you, I like this combo too. It is the leather wrap with the OP-1 field defender. You can find the latter here:

It helps notably to prevent the on/off button to be triggered by mistake. Very useful