In the same spirit as the Favorite Engine thread, here’s asking, what’s your favorite effect? I’ve also asked Most Used in the poll, I think they can be different.
Nitro, it’s usefull, fun and sounds really good.
Yeah, CWO is missing! After Drive, I think Nitro is my most used effect. Phone is probably my favorite, I love it for drums.
I guess I use spring most, closely followed by CWO. I really love CWO, it’s my favourite
Wow, how the hell did I miss CWO? New poll, fixed this time…
I am a whore for Phone and have been known to use it as the Master FX lol.
Spring and delay are definitely my most used. I love CWO though!
Recently, I did a pass of some drums through the white ear with some EQ settings and dropped the result into a drum sampler for further shenanigans, so yes… EQ - not to be forgotten about as an effect.
I’d have to say that the OP-1’s “calming” effect is the one I most value; most cherish.
Where’s the delay love?

I dunno, I can dig the reverb for what it is. It’s become part of the sound for me. I go elsewhere for smoother reverb needs I guess. The ‘metallic monster’ description is pretty apt though
@johnl I agree, but combining Delay and Spring can result in some awesome sounds
Well Spring is just that - a spring reverb emulation. Not supposed to be the smoothest.
Spring to me is like water is to fish. I can’t imagine making a track without it, wether on the OP-1 or not. Granted there are prettier and more modern reverbs to choose from, but it’s become my fave and I have a bunch at home that I use in addition to the OP-1 version. I can easily understand why it’s not for everyone though. Back in the day, when the only reverb I owned was an real analog spring, I hated it. Now I wish I could get that unit back. I miss it so. It could go totally other world spacey in a way that my digital spring emulations just cannot match.
I used to hate Spring until I spent a bit of time really using it. Now I find it suits my needs quite nicely when working just with the OP-1.
^spring is the only aspect of the op1 i cant really effectively use. its always too harsh for me.
I keep all the parameters (except Red, which I turn up) turned down with the OP-1 Spring, especially the Blue encoder. To my ears, it keeps it from being to harsh, but even that might not be enough for you @masterofstuff142 however, I’d give it a try, just to see. It does get metalic and harsh quickly if you don’t keep the parameters in the sweet spot.
Turning Blue way down is definitely a big part of making Spring sound less of a harsh metallic nightmare hehe.
^ill give it a try when my new IO board comes in. I really would like a nice reverb in the op1… funny thing about the op1 i hate pretty much hate every effect/synth till i really can wrap my head around it then im in love. for instance I love the gnarly unpredictable fluctuations nitro can pump out. Im gonna really give the reverb a try this time.
Oh, definitely. can’t forget about the blue encoder. Turning it clockwise seems to make it less spring-y, i.e. less of a “metallic monster”. Green seems to set the color of it, from lower frequency reverberations to brighter colored shimmer. White is the decay, and red is level of course.