New OP-1 lemur sequencer

Just uploaded the new update:

I'll be glad to hear what you guys think.

New in 2.0

- Preset storing, naming, coloring and recalling.
- Store entire patterns or sound preferences and recall them live.
- Set "per step values" for legato and length.
- Mute interface with ability to invert mute selections.
- Option to choose between editing one or all sequencer rows.
- Custom grayscale or RGB coloring of all objects.


Thanks @Clawsome, can’t wait to try it out! Will report back. =)

Awsome, Ill link to this on

ok,gonna try it out!!!

Aww yeah. fist bump


Wow @Clawsome this is looking way exciting! Will try later, probably only tomorrow…can’t wait, as these new features open new paths in the realm of OP-1 control. :slight_smile:

+1 looks VERY exciting development for the jamability of the OP-1. Kudos!!!


cool. when’s your site up and running?

It’s up and running now at

@clawsome link is now on resource page

wow. that’s a blast! very nice @iceritchie

and thanks for the link :slight_smile:

@Clawsome , I’ve just pm’d you re the update and its functions… I have several issues and questions. Thanks!

Hey @jooga1972

Thanks a lot for your reply. This is exactly what I need: someone else applying their logic to the interface to see what issues might come up. I had a little time to check up in your inquiries and so far I found out that there’s a problem with the init() script. It doesn’t execute at start up even though it’s set to do so.
It can however be launched manually from -> control -> settings -> reinitialize.
I have to do some more testing and will, if necessary, post a 2.1 with bug fixes.
Thanks again!
I’ll get back to you when I’m wiser.
Cheers from Clawsome
Hey @jooga1972
Thanks a lot for your reply. This is exactly what I need: someone else applying their logic to the interface to see what issues might come up. I had a little time to check up in your inquiries and so far I found out that there's a problem with the init() script. It doesn't execute at start up even though it's set to do so.
It can however be launched manually from -> control -> settings -> reinitialize.
I have to do some more testing and will, if necessary, post a 2.1 with bug fixes.
Thanks again!
I'll get back to you when I'm wiser.
Cheers from Clawsome

Thanks for the feedback @Clawsome! I’ll try the manual launching and let you know how it works out. Also, thanks for looking into the issues. Cheers!

hey @Clawsome, I tried the reinitialize thingy and to some extent it worked: the letters/numbers on the keyboard became visible, however, I was neither able to name nor save patterns. In some of the saving slots I can see the names of patterns I saved earlier for testing purposes, tried to recall/reopen them, but to no avail. For the time being, until you get these issues fixed, I keep on experimenting with the app because it is just so cool. :slight_smile: Thanks!

@clawsome brilliant work, I gotta spend some quality time with it but it looks interesting… I think I have found a bug, muting a row seems to delete all the notes in that row (at times)… More later…

Ohh I missed this. Stoked about the grayscale and pattern saving.

Thank you kindly brother operator.

Do you need the full Lemur (€ 25) for this? Or is there a work around (cheaper way)?

Been playing with this app tonight.

How do I change the scale of the notes when in synth mode?
I’ve noticed the octave up/down buttons but they dont change any sound :frowning:

Did work out how the drum assigning works though - you click on the note first on keyboard onscreen when you have a channel assigned.

Not sure what the onscreen knob physics things were changing either.