Ob4 + Ortho Remote

Many thanks for the PM.
That process is indeed complicated - much too complicated for me to attempt.

I’ll have to wait and hope that TE create a smoother/simpler software update to enable this.

Many thanks again though


@JohnnyEgo please pm me the instructions

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thanks so much for your help- managed to update my remote and got the extra functionality working now. best wishes!


Any chance you could inform me of the update method for the or-1 to? Kind regards

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DM :sun_with_face: DM

Direct Message

would love to update my or-1 remote. can you share how? thanks!

you got mail

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@JohnnyEgo Could you please PM OR-1 update instructions? Thank you

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@JohnnyEgo Could you please PM OR-1 update instructions? Thank you

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@JohnnyEgo Can you or anyone please PM the instructions as well?

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Onw more pretty please!

Hey! Could you PM these instructions to me as well? I’d love to test this out!

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:love_letter::love_letter: DirectMessage :love_letter::love_letter:

@JohnnyEgo could you send me the OR update instructions please?

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@JohnnyEgo could you also send me the OR update instructions please. Maybe make your profile able to accept PMs?

Edit: Never mind, thankfully someone posted the instructions here and the TE police never came :roll_eyes: