OG-1 Constant Clicks When Recording With New Firmware

Now I get it why they still haven’t fixed this issue.
They where too busy designing wooden dolls,
yeah I guess it makes total sense!

Yet another gimmicky and overly expensive product line, while their loyal OP-1 users are stuck with a clackling ADC for well over a year.


or maybe this is the reason:

Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that they do this sort of stuff, it’s part of what makes them great.

The point is that they should at least put more effort in maintaining their product-line functioning properly, the OP-1 is still part of their product-line and it’s expensive, anybody would expect them to stand behind it.

Fine, they are pushing the new product (the field) but why they’re still giving the choice to get the original OP-1, when essentially their are treating it like a discontinued product?


Hey guys, i made a video on this issue and will share it with TE as well as with my dealer.


That’s actually much worse than mine. Not that mine is acceptable at all. Hopefully your video will spur TE to action :slight_smile:

Or maybe we could just drink a bunch of TE beer and start making music exclusively using little wooden dolls or something. Yeah. Actually I’ll be fine. I’m going to sell my OG-1 and become a drunk dolly soloist. Yeah. That’s what I’ll do…
Now that’s sarcasm.

P.S. field got an update. Last time field got an update OG-1 got an update on the same day. This time it hasn’t happened that way. This is the way of all tech companies now. New features sell more units than bug fixes. I’ve see it all over the place in all sorts of “professional” software.


Woof, that’s awful. Nice guitar passage tho lol

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*Just got #246 from TE support!
*Recorded one last 2min #245 test tone test. Lots of clicks
*Installed #246. No clicks. Kept recording for 6min. No clicks.

I think they need us to tell them it works before they release it. That’s why it wasn’t released alongside FIELD update 2 days ago.


*Installed #246. No clicks. Kept recording for 6min. No clicks.


#246 exists and it fixes my clicks!!!


I’m so happy to hear that!

I’m gonna put #246 up here in 7 parts for people brave enough to take firmware from a stranger.

Oh. I can’t uploaf rar

That’s awesome, I really hope they fixed it for good!

Wow, very nice to hear!
Can you upload it on Github or something?


Here is a Dropbox link.
I got it as an email attachment from TE support but I guess I should say use at your own risk because it’s not a public release. Maybe they are about to release this exact file… FIELD update is maybe 3 days old now.

I’ve now tested all the #2## firmwares with exact same setup and test tone and recording in #246 performs the same as in “pre USB audio” firmwares.


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You were right. I should’ve trusted. TE support emailed me #246 and the clicks is fixed.

I also trust now the clicks won’t return :slight_smile:


At the very least the 486 reserved for OG-1 dev will have a “check recordings for clicks” post-it on it. But more likely they will have a robust system that will absolutely prevent the issue from returning in the future.

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Looking forward to the release of 246. The noise is very annoying indeed.

#246 exists and it fixed my clicks.