OP-1 Field Defective Units

Yeah they do that now with a lot of people. Go for it!

i got my replacement op-1 field today. first unit had stuck keys and cracked encoder. i turn on the replacement unit and guess what… the volume knob works in the opposite direction out of the box??? dialed all the way to the left its loudest, all the way to the right its silent. i power cycle a few times and now its back to “normal” with the volume knob behaving as it should. but seriously… i will never understand hardware as long as i live. how the hell is that even possible???


Just noticed today that one of my encoders has cracked. I’m not sure if this is something that was broken from day one or happened recently… either way, today I noticed it. Luckily it should be an easy fix but I’m surprised how cheap and fragile the plastic is and I wonder if it will happen to the other encoders especially since they have the push encoder in the UI now.

Looks like it’s cracked from the root up just like Instantjugglers.


Yeah, looks identical. I’ve asked for a replacement set from TE, but I’d rather just have better quality encoders as this is likely to happen again. Compared with the the OG OP-1 these are very flimsy.

I didn’t see this thread before, now I know I’m not alone… I bought a B-Stock from Thomann and seemed great BUT when I turned it down one day to check the back for the serial (ok, now I know it’s not there) I heard “the noise”…

…and that moment I knew why it was a B-stock… I didn’t want to mess with TE’s “support” so I returned it to Thomann and bought a new one, which seems fine…

Anyway as some of you say, this “field” is cool and sounds awesome, but it’s obvious that it won’t be as sturdy and durable as the original, which compared to this one it’s a tank…

the OG is far from being a tank. Take away the beautifully cold base and all that is left is wonky plastic. It’s an incredible instrument but very far from being ‘apple ergonomics’. Ditto op-z.

I don’t own the new OP but it seems that in terms of build quality it’s a winner. I really hope these honeymoon reviews hold up. Not that any synth ‘YouTuber’ will ever flag up such issues.

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Compared to this one, it is. I mean with both units side to side:

-The keyboard (an all buttons) are OVER the aluminium body, so they are much more exposed to hits and other “bad things” that can happen to a portable device.

-The screen on the OG was BEHIND a glass, the new one is much cooler, but also much more exposed as it doesn’t have any sort of protection.

-The knobs definitely look more “delicate” than the original, which supposedly supported things like a rubber for bendings among other toys.

-And obviously the switch is much less secure as it’s not “inside” the main body as the original (people are now selling “protectors” in Etsy).

What I mean is that for a portable device, the OG seemed much more “safer” and robust that this new one. In my case and counting how expensive this thing is I think the sofa will be the farthest place it’s gonna go :smiley:


You’re right about the knobs being fragile, some people here have shared pictures of the knobs splitting already

My battery has come loose after a week of owning and carrying it in a case in my backpack. The unit seems to work for now but if I move it suddenly or shake it something hefty inside slides around. Pretty disappointed at the moment.

Got a screen issue shorty after receiving Field. Nothing fatal, but annoying. You would think that for $2K there would be better quality control.

Owning both the op-1 and op-1 field, the build quality is comparable between the two. The op-1 field is “prettier”, but seems more delicate to me. It has aluminum around its edges but its top and bottom are plastic. The op-1 has an all aluminum chassis it sits in, so I actually think it is more robust since the back and sides are protected by aluminum and the keys sit inside the chassis rather than sticking out the top.


ahh, see your (very good) point.

Just reporting for the record that I received my rma unit and it has the same issue I rma’d the first unit for: battery slides around inside when tilting the unit. TE confirmed this is not supposed to happen. Maybe 3rd time’s the charm?


Love the Field. It’s my first OP1. Mine had a loose battery too and now it isn’t. Pretty disappointed in that. For some reason I liked(the sound of) it. Also it would be easier to replace the battery when needed.

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Well, ya know, that is definitely one way to look at it.

Hello folks

I received my OP-1 field two weeks ago and have only used it in my home studio, on a large mouse mat. Yesterday I used it for the first time on the dining table (straight and hard surface) and was shocked to find that it is bent diagonally and when playing on it strongly rocking back and forth.

Have any of you ever heard of such a problem? The problem with the OP-Z is very well known, but the OP-1 field now also?

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That’s pretty bizarre! I’m not an owner but curious to know if you can flex it (kinda like an Mac keyboard), or is the field totally solid?

No, I don’t think it’s flexible, aluminum is usually extremely stiff. I also did not dare to try it. But the intermediary immediately replaced the synth and the new one is fortunately flawless. TN has also offered me immediate help if an exchange should be refused and they look at the defective synth probably more closely as soon as it arrives at them.

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nice one!