OP-1 field feature requests

I’d like “hold shift, while endless is playing in hold mode, to add notes to the endless pattern”


“sync start for album and tape” so you can record back from album into tape on grid.


“expose all synth parameters, master effects parameters, and tape controls for incoming midi note and cc control of them”


I would love to have the option to create longer tracks by splitting the total recording time of the device (48 minutes - 8 tracks of 6 minutes each) in a custom way. For example, creating 1 track with 12 minutes and still having 36 minutes in total for creating another 7 tracks.

The device is so powerful for creating experimental and ambient tracks, and with the 6 minute limitation per track I don’t have enough time to develop musical ideas.


I’m glad that TE listened to some of my requests and made it so you can have the input with its own FX using the vocoder, in addition to adding the terminal FX. :pray: TE for listening. That’s why I can’t get enough of you guys.


I’m hoping this is an easter egg and they are going to add functionality to combine reels as busses…


also is the load button different?


my guess is you can load or eject reels, and it will playback all loaded. and it’s 12 minutes? and it’s a different type?


I was looking forward to this image too, but it actually seems like an old UI.
There is also an image on the OP-1 field page that uses the eject symbol.

We’ll see! Not sure I believe it was a mistake. Likely the roadmap for future updates was laid out well before the field series was released. If it was the same image as on the site maybe, but there’s a lot of differences and the reel names don’t make much sense if they aren’t busses. Maybe I’m just a dreamer though - it would be a game changer. You could also extend the functionality to the tx-6 pretty gracefully…


it would be super handy to have some sort of shortcut in the tape manager screen for previewing the tape without having to load it. In my use case, this’d save a lot of time, since sometimes I don’t remember what is inside a certain tape, and I rarely name them.

I think the “I want FX on Input” could be solved by an “External Instrument” type of patch. Then two LFO’s (instead of an Envelope and an LFO) for CC’s and the FX slot. Page 1 could maybe be a place to assign CC’s to each Knob.

Then you don’t have to have the silly sampled silence to use the sequencers, etc…

This is how M8 solved it, and I think it’s a nice addition to the M8 and would be for the OP1 Field as well.

I really don’t foresee any big features coming to the device, so I think it’s a pipe dream, but this is what I would want the most…that and for god sake, just add a tiny cross fade between clips on the tape.


I want to be able to select the op1f mic as input even when I have plugged in earbuds with a headset mic.

I want attack and decay on drum sampler instead of the dynamics thing that I swear nobody uses!

Isn’t this already solved by Vocoder?


Tell me more. I tried it but haven’t gotten the right incantation for it to now sound absolutely terrible. Or can you point me in the right direction in some way?

Dial in the Vocoder, then turn the red knob clockwise until you see a red dot. This will route input sound through the vocode and its FX without applying the envelope.

(Just be careful, for some silly reason, this behaves totally differently from all other engine on tape. You can’t mute the input by pressing the microphone button. It’s always on, so it’s really easy to create a loop if you’re running with speakers.)


Ok. I realize now why this doesn’t work for my use case. I’m wanting to record an external instrument I’m playing by using my OP-1 field as a MIDI controller. If you hit a key it still sends the external audio through the vocoder. This is not what I’m looking for, I want to, say, record my M8 while I’m controlling it from one of the OP-1’s sequencers.

This works great for guitar or your voice or something like that! I want it to function more like Ableton or M8s external instrument.

And thanks for walking me through that. I heard about this trick but could not get the right google or YouTube search string to find out what I needed to do.

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Have you tried changing the Vocoder envelope to longest attack and decay times with no sustain or release? Works like a charm for me! (i was getting little clicks on the start of every note when using my OP1f through a RK005 to run my Make Noise “easel” before i figured this out at about midnight last night!)

Hope that helps!

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I wrote also an feature request email to TE.


Is it dreaming too much imagining a “mellotron” mode for the sampler? meaning having each note with its own sample (or in thirds). An alternative would be having time-stretch for the pitch shifting.
Just dreaming :smile:

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