OP-1 Tracks

capability is a strength. do everything you can to strive for your impossible.

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it is a neat color.

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When was working on this one, i figured out that you can fake a good vibrato on a synth voice (set to legato with a bit of portamento in Shift-2 paramaters) by trilling the half-step above and below your lead/melody note!


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itā€™s a pattern.

one of my first tracks!

with all my heart, i wish happiness and health to humans everywhere.

Not a track as such but this is a live mix I made a few years ago using loops sampled via the OP-1. Itā€™s a bit rough around the edges and Iā€™d forgotten all about it until recently but Iā€™m bored on Covid lockdown so I put a video to it and stuck it on YouTubeā€¦

A meditation in Eb i threw together with blooper. Thanks for listening.


Op-1 and SP 404-SX, Nas remix for fun


Legend of Zelda OP-1

another track from the warehouse raver for the warehouse ravers

sampled, mixed and made on the op1

Had the OP-1 for about 10 days. Loving it and learning to live with the limitations after years (quite a long time ago) using Logic.

Please with this for now:


A little chill vibe I did on VE Day. Really loving getting to grips with the OP-1. Thanks for all the help with the quirks, great community here.

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Threw the new firmware on and whipped up a little jam track to celebrate.

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This is all op-1. One of my first. No mastering, no DAW. Just really simple.


It worked. It finally worked! Didnā€™t do anything different and it just decided to cooperate. Now maybe someone will give it a listenā€¦


Iā€™ve been using my OP-1 to do some covers with my daughter

Basically I do all the sequencing with synths and drums in the OP-1 then I export the track aif files in Reaper and add the bass and vocals (and uke)

I think Iā€™m using about 2% of my OP-1 capabilities but I feel it gives you nice sequencers and sounds if you want to start songs easily without having to use a computer. :slight_smile:

Having lots of fun and still learning !

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