Op-z MIDI Thread

@jazzmess said:

@mbutki said:

@mbutki said:
My op-1 ↔ op-z experience so far is:

  • op-1 ↔ Raspberry Pi ↔ op-z: Both key presses and clock to go both ways correctly.
  • op-1 ← USB a ↔ USB mini + (mini → USB c dongle) → op-z: Nothing works


I bought the official Apple USB C to A dongle. Using this the direct connection between the OP-1 and OP-Z works perfectly. The order you turn them on and connect them matters.


  1. Turn on OP-1
  2. Turn on OP-Z
  3. Connect cable

Not Working

  1. Connect cable
  2. Turn on OP-Z
  3. Turn on OP-1

Not Working

  1. Connect cable
  2. Turn on OP-1
  3. Turn on OP-Z

Hi there thanks for the info. Are there any freezes other have mentionned so far ?
Is the dongle you’re talking about this one ? USB-C to USB Adapter - Apple

Yeah, that’s the dongle I used. I haven’t had any freezes.

Regarding a sampler module, I can’t see how sampling management would be accomplished in the OP-Z… they did it for the PO-33, but it has a very rigid structure, not at all like the OP-Z plugs…

@punji said:
Regarding a sampler module, I can’t see how sampling management would be accomplished in the OP-Z… they did it for the PO-33, but it has a very rigid structure, not at all like the OP-Z plugs…

Yep, I think you are correct.
I was echoing speculation from the elektron forum. But not sure what hardware would be used for sampling if it’s not already on the device.

Maybe a firmware update could add sampling via mic or a line in.
Or maybe a way to transfer samples from po33&35.

I only have the op-1 so that’s my frame of reference for sampling and trimming samples.

In theory a sampler module could work, sample management could if they allowed upto 140 samples per project, black keys 1-0 for banks, white keys for slots. Recording samples could be via a button on the module itself maybe? It would definitely need to have its own flash memory to allow enough samples.

I’m not sure that I need it really though, same for the midi/cv one. I wonder what other modules are in the pipeline…

extra button on the module, you’re a GENIUS!

But how? The button would stick out from one of the four yellow holes? This is an outlandish idea… :stuck_out_tongue:

sure…just like the other “index” buttons

@punji said:
But how? The button would stick out from one of the four yellow holes? This is an outlandish idea… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah button on the back, then stereo line in, and 2 stereo line outs ;p

@darenager said:

@punji said:
But how? The button would stick out from one of the four yellow holes? This is an outlandish idea… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah button on the back, then stereo line in, and 2 stereo line outs :stuck_out_tongue:

OP-Z coming this week for me! So what USB-C adapters do people recommend? Seems like it would be best to either get the Apple one, or maybe one that is just a shorter (cheaper) version of that. Does anyone have any Amazon links for ones that are working for them? Especially curious about the size of the adapter versus the thickness of OP-Z and if anyone is seeing issues. Thanks!

I for one would really like to be able to connect a 3,5 to regular din-midi so I can sequence other synths without some stupid box in between.

@mbutki said:

I’m using the standard Raspbian OS, and midiconnect for the midi connection. I used this previously to connect keyboard → OP-1, and I now use it to connect OP-1 ↔ OP-Z.

You can also just use the raw aconnect tool, as seen here or here

Raspberri Pi works great! i don’t need to buy USB MIDI Host device any more~

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How is the sequencing data stored in the op-z (or if we don’t know, how about other hardware sequencers)? Is it a .mid file you could backup directlyor even transfer to another device?

Paging @punji or @TabascoEye

its stored in the project file .opz

Sounds like a proprietary format! What’s the contents of the file?

Any USB-C adapter recommendations?

@GCF said:
Any USB-C adapter recommendations?

Usb-c to what connection type?

@Plague said:

@GCF said:
Any USB-C adapter recommendations?

Usb-c to what connection type?

Really any recommendations in general. This is my first USB-C device, so I have no adapters. I don’t really want one of each type of adapter cable, so either something like the Apple one that goes to USB A female or maybe USB-A male directly to USB-C. Really not familiar with USB-C, so not sure if there are differences in adapter cables that don’t do data transfer or something. thanks!

Are you sure you don’t want one of each USB-C cable adapter with a TE logo on it? They look way cooler than the apple dongle. I would recommend you get the USB cable that plugs into the things you need it to plug into. You can also get one that you think looks cool. I ordered some pink ones off amazon for fun.

Welcome to USB-C and the world of wild dongles.

@artaction said:
I read through the guide but I’m still not clear whether the op-z can send program change messages so I can change programs and banks on external synths.

I tried following the guide and wasn’t able to change any programs or banks on other gear using the op-z.

Anybody have luck with this?

Hi, did you figure this out? I hooked up my JU-06 yesterday and noticed it automatically sent program change messages between patterns - pattern 1 = preset 11 on JU-06, pattern 2 = preset = 12 etc
No idea how to control this though after reading the manual.