OP1 Field OS Update 1.50

I like the update quite a bit.

The merge drop is something I asked for, so I am naturally quite happy about it. It will be a huge help in recording more complex tracks.

As far as stereo field changes, @djcuvcuv seems to be right. It applies the mixer setting of the tape you’re dropping the segment on. I can see how a user could expect the original mixer settings to be preserved. (After all, you’ve “previewed” the sound on using the source tape.) On the other hand, you issue the merge command while looking at the new tape, so it’s not entirely unreasonable to use new tape’s settings. My guess is that loading a new tape overrides “current” mixer settings, so it’s a technical limitation that is quite hard to bypass without considerable amount of extra work.

Terminal is interesting. Generally, I am not a huge fan of bit crushing, but this particular implementation has quite a bit of range. It sounds really good on drums on 3+ bit setting. It can also make Dimension engine sound very crunchy and distorted, which gives it a nice chiptune vibe. Combined with the improvements to Random LFO, you can get some really nice SID-like sounds out of Field now.

(I wonder what they really do in that effect. There is no such thing as 3.1 bit depth.)