Maybe they could add one to the master note change track or the tape track?

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you should write down a feature suggestion and send it over to TE or especially Jonas as heā€˜s the head behind the OP-Z and may find some inspiration in your idea with an additional LFO

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btw. Iā€™ve tested the fx LFOs in addition to the track lfos and the VIB setting which means pitch doesnā€™t work at all on fx tracks.

Iā€™ve had the feeling that I did this modulation as soon as the LFO for fx was available.

would love to hear some thoughts :thought_balloon:

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Yeah, I tried that a few times tooā€¦
Iā€™d really love to be able to change the pitch of a delay with an LFO!!!

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Can you assign it to the speed of the delay? That should apply pitch bend.

I canā€™t test this yet cause my Z is pre LFO update. I heard it changed the sound of existing tracks so I have to export all my patterns before I update.

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I donā€™t think so, as the delay time is selected via the keyboards keys and not by using the dials.

should mention this in the stream or directly to TE

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I want to see the ability to record pitch bends from the pressure padā€¦ I canā€™t believe we still canā€™t do thisā€¦ Itā€™s rediculous.


I needed it for a track I was recording and I was disappointed when I realized it wasnā€™t possible.

will do! last time I forgot this point, but mentioned lfo on the tape track and they saw it :slight_smile:

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I really want more pitch pad functionality! Itā€™s super powerful to have that little pressure sensitive chap down there. I like that you can control velocity with it, but only after the fact?

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pitchpad as routable control for the LFO would be a great addition, controlling the depth or speed. or the option to record the pitchbend :four_leaf_clover:


Long chord input (more than 2 octaves). Would be great to have some kind of additional combination for editing notes (for example: empty step + shift + (1-9) to choose the octave) + note)

If you connect a midi keyboard, you can input steps that span more than 2 octaves. Assuming the keyboard has that many octaves

or you can lay down a chord, transpose the keyboard up/down and insert different notes

a midi keyboard is a great suggestion aswell

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Hi, everybody. I hope TE read this forum often. I would like the scale recognition in the master channel to be improved in its algorithm or maybe better explained. I think it overthink things and make them more complicated, going against the spirit of the OP-Z itself. Iā€™ve noticed that everything I compose, the algorithm tends to recognize it as being in the fifth instead of the root of the scale on which I compose. An example is the following. If I play in the Bass channel a steady C or the C Major notes. The algorithm tells me that Iā€™m F Major at the fifth degree, that is C Mixolidian (V) and not at the root of the scale as one would suppose C Major (I). If I add more notes to the bass some times goes right, but as soon I put notes on the other channels, start to mess with the key and modes. This makes the transposition a bit of a mess and not very intuitive. Hopefully TE can improve this area and make it work as it should. Would be nice to have a manual mode where each one insert their scales or similar.



I like this :grin:

Sorry if some of these have already been metioned.

An audio channel from FX1 to FX2.
Another master reverb FX if possible with an FX1 & FX2 send like the Analog4.
Proper FX sends for the external and mic audio inputs not just on/off.
Ability to sample with the FX.
More fx types like a phaser, micro delay, comb filter fx ect or some of the OP-1 FX.
For the CV outputs some LFOā€™s, envelopes or realtime recording of the knob movements. The CV outputs are pretty redundant as they are for any modulation.
A wider range of punch in performance fx with user customisbale button assignments like the patch engine setup.
Improved scale detection or user definable scales like blues, lydian ect.
Some easier sample importing in the app.
Short video clips in the photomatic.
Drum synth engine like the OP-1.
Pitch slider as a modulation source with the ability to record.
Longer pattern multiplier lengths.
An expension card with audio inā€™s/outā€™s or individual outs over USB.


Iā€™m pretty sure can do this my changing a setting in the config file.