What you mean patch engine?

The way you can drag, drop and arrange different synth engines in the preset group slots. If you could customize new and different punch in performance fx arrangements like this too that would be great.
The punch in fx are fun and useful but I can see some of them getting a bit too familiar after some time.


I wish TE could implement some form of page function for the sequencer, like how Elektron has with all of their machines. I know that the increased microtiming resolution allows you to multiply the length of the step sequencing and have multiple trigs between each physical step on the OP-Z, but that means I would still have to record those live. If we had pages then we could actually have physical access to those “in-between” steps from the microtiming.


Perhaps, but I would argue the system they have was a creative choice in workflow. I personally love it because it helps get me out of the “transitional” sequencer workflow. It makes me use step components in different creative ways to come up with patterns I normally wouldn’t have.

That being said, I have had my fair share is road-blocks when not being able to have great editing resolution on the grid.

Yea multiple pages is my #1 want for this machine. I just picked up a Model:Cycles recently and its so liberating to have 4 pages for step sequencing. I’ve often used creative workarounds on OP-Z to get longer patterns, but often that leads to having to compromise the way you get to use step components, which is one of the most brilliant parts of the sequencer. I hope they do it because it would really be a game changer.


The OP-Z’s steps seem to record up to 8 notes internally. Therefore, even if the OP-Z has a higher resolution, notes in a step will not be split into another step.

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We could have another solution for this - something like hold a step and some other key combo, and the step is expanded across 16 steps for finer editing…


I actually really like this idea…

But I also feel it could get confusing fast

what do you mean by 8 notes?

I just sent this into the TE feature request page: “Now that I can lock the Mixer screen, I want to be able to directly control the volume of each track without the iOS app. Perhaps you can implement this by allowing users while in the locked Mixer screen to hold the track button for the specific track they want and turning one of the rotary encoders? This would make usage without the app much faster!”

Volume control of all 8 tracks without using the app would be great IMO


Agree, mixing everything at once would be epic.

encoder 1 could be volume, 2 pan, 4 & 4 could be fx sends or other <3


TE Support just replied saying they like the idea and have forwarded it to their dev team!


Hi I have a suggestion for the performance track as it has a lot of unused potential . OP-Z is close to being the performance powerhouse it was meant to be:

(Realistic): Add LFO to performance track. In midi settings be able to assign internal cc numbers so that the performance track becomes a macro assigner, making it easier to perform (maybe multi assign?).

(Stretch): In config mode have Punch-In FX Plugs. (which are modifiable by the user?).

While I’m at it make shift + knob automatically revert to saved settings when switching patterns while still holding shift.

Hi mom

Just had another useful idea.

When performing live, I love that I can press “pattern” > “shift” > and then my next patter and the OP-Z will switch patterns at the end of my current one. This is super useful especially when I am going to do some kind of fill, manual automation, of performance FX to transition into the next pattern.

It would be super helpful if we could do the same thing with mute groups. “Mixer” > “shift” > “mute group #” I’ve had a lot of songs where there are only a couple patterns and the arrangement is mainly in the mute groups.


This should be a pretty easy thing to do in the next firmware update, and I think it’s very important.

I have a trigger spark request - actually for every spark but I will give a example for trigger spark - to be possible to trigger step once in 4 bars, but to select the 3rd bar as the one where trigger will occur?

I know how to select the step to trigger once in 4 bars, and to select first or the fourth bar as the place where trigger will happen, but I can’t seem to select 2nd and 3rd bars? I think that will make way more options with drum arranging.

I saw in one of the posts below that someone send a message to TE feature request page, but can’t seem to find it. If someone can send it, it would be great.



It does this already. Just keep pressing the number button when you set the step component. It will cycle through the various repeat options.

It does not. It offers 1st and 4th beat. 2nd and 3rd are not possible. Check again.

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Ah, I see.

Absolutely. Some sort of crossfading with any sampler is essential. Maybe they could map it to one of the dials, for how much you wanted to crossfade.

They could avoid processing the sample each time too by just using volume envelopes, so that the greater the crossfade value the longer the fade in/out of the volume envelope, with the sample just retriggering each time it looped.

(as opposed to destructive edits to the sample, and processing it when you change the crossfade value)

I don’t know if it’s possible but I really miss 4 things on the Op-z :

  1. A way to record the changes on a filter in more than 1 patern. Because you can’t do anything else live if you have a slow progression for exemple. It’s possible on the Po33 but not on the Op-z. Sad.
  2. The possibility to copy paste from a drum kit to another. Also possible on the po33 and very useful to make your own kit or to make a song with multiples record samples without using a computer. An exemple : when i need to sample different parts of the same song for a boom bap beat i actualy need to use differents tracks… or a computer and then, why sampling with the Op-z and not directly with the computer ?
  3. It’s not possible to chain two patterns’ chains and it’s sad. It’s a great turnaround when you need microtiming precision on 4 bars for exemple to keep “1 bar = 16 steps” and use 4 patterns, but then you have a lot of patterns changes in a song. So you need very long chains. For this a good solution to the length limitation should be to link your chains presets to others.
  4. A way to affect mute groups to the song and not only to a pattern.