The gearlust thread part deux: post your GAS

Deluge looks really good but the UI kills it for me. A pity…

Elektron just revealed a new pedal. Analog Drive. Kinda like the mono little brother of AH. No filter or envelopes etc which is a shame. Still looks interesting tho and decent price if it sounds good.

I’m looking for an Organelle. Anyone seen one for sale or had any experience with them? I’d love to hear about it.

I'm looking for an Organelle. Anyone seen one for sale or had any experience with them? I'd love to hear about it.

I have one. It’s a lot of fun. I haven’t dove into the programming yet, but plan to at some point. The C&G and community patches are really great. Using it as a MIDI controller is cool too for the patches that do things like rolling chords.

I'm looking for an Organelle. Anyone seen one for sale or had any experience with them? I'd love to hear about it.

I have one. It’s a lot of fun. I haven’t dove into the programming yet, but plan to at some point. The C&G and community patches are really great. Using it as a MIDI controller is cool too for the patches that do things like rolling chords.

Interested in organelle too. Price went crazy in UK last time I checked tho. £500+… It was around £350 the time I checked before…

I recently got an Organelle second hand. I really like it, I find it compliments the Op-1 quite well. I connect the 2 via usb and play melodic lines in tandem, tweaking the parameters of both to get all kinds of strange and wonderful harmonious results.

Those pads remind me of Tooty Frooties! Yummy


Now here’s a thing…do you remember packets of Tooty Aniseed? They were all red coloured.


No I don’t recall them but SHIT I love aniseed!
I need an eBay link now my man! @cloudburst

@cloudburst That’s an auld school reference!


@steveoath nice find! Check those prices out! I’ve only ever had Tooty Frooties, they are my favourite sweets, I bet those aniseed ones tasted lovely, whole bag at a time for jaw workout…

I was actually also going to mention the Tooty Minties, but the Tooty Aniseed were the quirky ones that I loved!!!


What’s going on here?
Were the mint and aniseed Stateside only or am I not old enough to have seen them in the UK?
I am 40.
Remember Rowntree but not the Mackintosh stuf…
All this from the Deluge

39 here, don’t remember them either lol.

Yep - they were in the UK, but I am 51. :slight_smile:


I don’t remember the mint or the aniseed to be honest. Buy on a related note, did they change the flavour of Black Jacks?

At least we are in the right thread I suppose guys!
Tooties rule!
Had a Black Jack chew the other day but didn’t notice any difference, will have to get some sweets and check!
I thought aniseed was supposed to drive dogs crazy but my little Betty doesn’t care for it much!
Anyways I want a Nord A1r…

Back on track. Anyone know what cable I need to connect the iPad to op1? (Its one with lightning port)

Just need USB > lightning adapter.

Yeah, it’s the camera connection kit. Works a treat! :wink:

Cool, thank you.

Analog heat question - if I got my op-1 running through it, can I have control of the number of its tracks get affected by the heat? Like a bus send…so track 1 and 2 get affected but not 3 or 4